Easier said than done

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So, redemption. Easier said than done. Where does one even start? Redemption...... I guess you start at the bottom and work your way up.

So I decide to solitaire my morals. Solidify. Oops. I've been playing a LOT of solitaire lately.

I think about government and whats wrong and right. I try to take into consideration, well, everything. There should be order and peace, but not at the expense of human lives. Freedom from tyranny comes first, I think. And then individuals. Then property and pets. I know that things aren't black and white. But thinking this way helps.

I spend a while on this. Months, even. After my morals seems straight enough to me, I think about how I will  run things down here. Is it down? I've always assumed so. But for all I know, limbo is a fortress in the sky. I entertain that thought whimsically before dismissing it entirely.

My vision certainly has not improved but I have grown used to no glasses. I started erasing my songs from the walls. I memorized them all anyway, and if anyone comes to visit, they look kinda creepy. I can't read them so no need anymore.

I decide I shall be president here, but I will most certainly throw the elections. I should obviously be in charge. I've been here for years I think. More experience and all that.

I can't even wrap my head around that still. I've forgotten what it's like..  being alive that is. I hope to get a visitor soon.

And sure enough.....

After who knows how long, I see a light and hear a faint Train sound. Suddenly the entire world shakes and I cry out in fear. In my minds eye visions flash by. A wall of lava, Dream, a.... potato? I see the void limbo and watch the single heart shater like a grenade, fragments flying into the darkness. I hear dream, laughing. I hear a child crying. The whistling of the train intensifies.

I fall to my knees an grab my ears but it does nothing, the sounds all in my head. I can feel the pain, the anger, the fear. Someone has died.

The train pulls up and I see nothing through the steam. The doors open and a figure steps through, immediately disappearing. But it's a familiar shape. Is that...? No. It can't be.

I run into the mist but the train pulls away and as it clears, I'm alone again. I start running down the tunnel. Whoever it is couldn't have locked me from their limbo. If my calculations are correct, it's full moon time anyways. I sprint into the earie mist and it fades to inky blackness. I sea Mexican Dream and Shlatt, leaving. They both shoot me a look, but say nothing. They're like Jared. Arse holes.

I search the darkness but see nothing and no one. I go further in, and he materializes.

His eyes shut tight, tears evident on his cheek. His grimy and iconic red baseball shirt standing stark contrast to the darkness around us. He's curled in a ball and I can see a probably permanent mark from his fatal wound.

Memories I've long forgotten arise.


A casual day by the river.

"What is the most European name for a country?"
"HA! Yes!"
"Wait wait, no. Le man burg!"

Good times...

"For L'manburg!"

Such Cheerful, simple times.

"Hey, stop. Please,  I'm scared of the dark."

Explains the limbo.

"Hey, Wilbur? We're the good guys here, right?"

Why did I....


I should have....

"Wilbur, you're taking this too far...."

I could have stopped....

"We'll make them pay for this."

We did. At great cost...

"Well I heard there was a special  place where men could go and emancipate, the brutality and tyranny  of their ruler"

I saw us. In our uniforms. So proud....

"My l'manburg, my l'manburg, my l'manburg,  my l'manburg. "

Tears fall. I'm not sure how. But they do. I haven't had water in ages. But I managed.

I look at the poor child before me. That's just what he is, isn't he? A kid. I'm the reason he's here.... it's my fault.

But I have plans. We'll start anew. It'll be ok. I step closer and open my mouth.


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