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How long it's been, I do not know. Years, I'm sure. My early days in limbo long forgotten and my life before twisted in my mind. I know it's wrong but I don't care anymore. No one comes.

The station is covered in a dense smoke now, and I know it's from me. I don't care about that either. Nothing matters.

Dream. It's all his fault. I hate them all. But him especially. Suddenly I feel a punch and a burning sensation. My flesh sizzles through my jacket and I simply watch it. Pain. True pain. I haven't felt that in a while. I grin for some reason as the wound begins to bleed.

What happened?

I wrap my arm in a shirt left by Tommy. It works and just looks like a bandage.

Then something really strange happens. A light through the darkness.  But the ground didn't shake.

A bullet train pulls into the station. I watch, perplexed, as the doors open. Thick black smoke pours out, and the light is lime green.

A hand throws out a familiar figure who lands on the ground, hog tied and crying. Ghostbur. 

Then another far too familiar figure steps out.

"All aboard, next stopz the Overworld. " He says. The earie mask glows in the dark. It's dream, in a cheap conductors outfit. I was just thinking how much I despise him but one does not look a gift horse in the mouth. I nimbly jump up and onto the train. It begins to pull out and I give a two fingered salute to my counterpart as I depart. The train leaves the station behind and a distant light begins to grow.


Welp, that's the end! First fic I finished since 2019 besides a one-shot. I appreciate votes and comments. Thanks for reading! Check out the rest of my stuff if you'd like. I have a nice one-shot called the Rain, and also a few other fics.

Yes, I DID just self promote.

Cigarette?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें