Part 2

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I shower after Lauren leaves and put on a
pair of shorts with a hoodie then go downstairs."Hey Camila " Normani hugs me. "Hey mani, was the shoot good?"
Everyone else had been at a video shoot
for most of the day but I hadn't been there
because I had meetings earlier and I don't
know why Lauren wasn't there either.
"Yeah it was really good I wish you could
have come" We sit down on the couch and I pull out my phone to order food since I'm starving. "Do you want anything? I'm ordering postmates" I tell mani. "Nah I'm good. I just ate" "Get me some Camila" Lauren shouts from across the room.

I didn't even know she was here. I look up to see her sitting next to Ally and Dinah in the kitchen. "Too late I've already ordered" I lie. She frowns at me then goes back to whatever she was doing with the others.
"Why do you and Lauren hate each other
so much? It's like you're always mad at
each other" mani asks.
"We're not... it's just." We hook up all the
time and then she pretends to hate me so I
pretend to hate her back "complicated" i
finish. I finish making my order on post-mates then sit back on the couch and rub my eyes. I'm so tired and this ongoing thing
with Lauren is exhausting. 20 minutes later my postmates arrive so I get off the couch, that Dinah and Lauren are now sitting on as well, to go get it.

"Dude just admit you have a crush on
Camila . You just checked out her ass so
hard" Dinah says.
"Shut the fuck up Dinah no I didn't"
I collect my postmates from the delivery
guy and sit back down on the couch to eat
it. I end up in between Lauren and Normani since they had all moved around when I got up "Lauren was totally checking you out Mila" Dinah grins. Probably because she's seen me naked
about 100 times. "Dude I fucking told you I wasn't" "I watched your eyes when she walked up to the door and they were on her ass the whole time" I roll my eyes as they keep arguing and start eating my food which is chikfilla."You guys  are so annoying" Tessa groans over the loud sound of the arguing. "Yeah lets go upstairs" I stand up and Mani gets up as well and we walk towards the stairs.

"See look you're fucking checking her out
"I am not. I'm looking at her shorts they're
a nice color"

I once again roll my eyes at her and me
and mani go up to my room.
We chill in my room for a while before
She goes to bed because she has dance
all day tomorrow. I'm just about to go to sleep when my phone buzzes with a text from Lauren.

Lauren - Your ass looked hot earlier

I ignore it but he sends me another one.

Lauren - I'm coming to your room rn but
we need to make it a quiet one

Just as I read it my door opens and she walks in.


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