A real nightmare

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Mandy woke up to Kira missing and so she got up and went to find her then she picked up on a choking sound so Mabdy panicked and ran over to Kira who's struggling to breathe so Mandy struggled to pick her up and she rushed Kira to the backseat of the car places her down and put up the dog seat belt thing and she drove to the er vet and places her down and asked the nurse "Please make sure she's okay."

She got home and got dressed for her day shift and as soon she's in the brake room Mandy sat down and Vincent sat down beside her and rested his hand on her shoulder and asked "Hey brownie are you alright you look quite upset?" Mandy turned and hugged him and broke down and sobbed into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her as he smiled to himself and spoke "Its okay I am here and its gonna be okay."   Vincent felt his cheeks flush as he smirked and started to pet her head as he whispered comforting words into her ear

Mandy's phone started to ring so she reached up and grabbed it and she answered it and it was the vet Mandy spoke "Is she okay?"   The nurse spoke "Yes ma'am she is you can pick her up at 4"   Mandy spoke "Thank you so much I will."   As the phone called ended Mandy pushed herself away and said "I am so sorry Vincent my dog chocked on something and I had to rush her to the vet and I haven't been in the best mind set and my mental health has been horrible."  Vincent said "It's alright flower I will always be there for you."

(Vincent is supposed to be a manipulative yandere with severe anger issues)

As her shift ends Vincent sat watching subtly and smiled as she ran to her car and Mandy rushed to the vet and picked Kira went home and put her up in Kira's favorite bed as she went to go out to eat as Kira slept,

Vincent sat at the fast food restaurant waiting for her as soon as she entered Vincent lifted his hand and waved it and called out "Hey Mandy over here come sit with me!"    Mandy looked over and just kept walking to the cashier to order her food


Mandy walked over to Vincent who snapped his head up and immediately smiled as he patted the table and said "Glad you decided to come sit with me and do you wanna talk about what happened at work?"  Mandy shook her head and spoke. "I don't think I will talk about what happened but thank you for comforting me it means a lot even though your comments are quite uncomfortable..."

Vincent's face changed a little bit as he frowned but changed it quickly to a smile as he said "I am sorry for making you uncomfortable I promise not to do that to you again."     He said with a charming smile he put his hand out and Mandy took it and smiled and said "Thanks it means a lot."    (Vincent's manipulation is hopefully more apparent) 

Vincent then spoke "Hey since we have gotten to know each other wanna go watch movies at my house?"  (Mandy is a very naive person that only sees the best in people therefore is easy to manipulate)              Mandy smiled and said "Sure that sounds fun!"


I sat sitting close to Vincent watching the Lion King and I am falling asleep and Vincent doesn't seem to notice so I lean against him and I fall asleep

(I sure hope this is better lmao and less gross)


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