The Story of Y/n Hyakkimaru

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Extreme Emotion
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A/n: Hello peeps, this is my first official story. I'm really excited to share this journey of Y/n Hyakkimaru. Of course since it's my first story there will be errors, and of course let me know if I need to improve on anything with my writing or something in the story. Anyways enjoy the "prologue" of your story!!!

Daigo Kagemitsu land at the border of the Land of Fire

It was a very heavy thunderstorm outside the temple. Thunder rumbling, ground muddy and slippery. It was a very unusual thing to happen in the Land of Fire. It's usually sunny and great landscapes. But on this particular day it was gloomy.

As we get closer to the temple, we see a man sitting on his knees with his eyes closed out side the temple. He was waiting for his wife to give birth to their child. Even though he should be inside comforting his wife he was outside gathering his thoughts to home self.

Inside the temple his wife was laying on her back whimpering and groaning in pain. The two lady doctors were holding her hand giving her comfort as much as they could.

Doctor 1: Just a little while longer, my lady.

Doctor 2: My lady, be strong. Your child will be here any minute now.

The mother then looked to the side and look at a wooden sculpture of a lady hold her baby. She had tears of joy that her baby was finally here.

Back outside the temple the father was looking back hearing the cries of his wife. But he then looked back forward and closed his eyes.

The mother was groaning in pain even louder as the baby was almost there.

Doctor 1: My lady, just a bit more.

Mother: Goddess of Mercy, please protect me...

Doctor 2: I can see the head!

The mother then yelled out as she pushed the baby out. The babies cries can be heard from out side the temple. The father was looking back with a emotionless face hearing everything.

Doctor 1: He is born!

Joy and cheerfulness filled the air as the baby was successfully born.

But this happiness was cut short. Out of nowhere a bolt of lightning came blasting down. It was specifically hitting the baby. Everybody was screaming in horror.

The father got up to see what was happening but he felt a sudden burst of pain enter his forehead

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The father got up to see what was happening but he felt a sudden burst of pain enter his forehead. The father had a scar in the shape of a X on his forehead. Currently that scar was glowing red and was causing him great pain.

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