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[Rue] - [girl in red]

0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

Light peaked through the moving clouds as she eyed them carefully, words went in and out one ear, her vision soared from one thing to another.

Her mind wandered elsewhere, somewhere quieter.

"Y/n are you listening?" her mother spoke sternly, the much older lady looked bothered, as she tapped her fingers on the marble counters making a low sound with each strike.


No response. A sigh escaped her lips.


Her tone changed, raising her voice ever so slightly as the stern look on her face would drive anyone nervous. Her frown, the way her eyes stared daggers into her daughter, her eyebrows knit together, each wrinkle becoming more prominent as she grew impatient.

Your mother's voice cut your train of thoughts and once again your mind was present to the unlikeable reality handed to you.

"huh? " you deadpanned not interested moreover disliking the topic at hand.

Your mother was a bit more patient today than most days, she would've scolded you by now for not paying more attention to her words, but alas she had to leave in a few minutes and she doesn't have the time to argue.

She sighs once more before placing her finger to her temple, closing her eyes and calming her nerves, she looks at her daughter this time with a much forgiving look in her eyes.

"I said, would you mind your dad taking you to therapy today"

She stated not as a question. It sounded more like a request, something you knew you couldn't turn down as it would start another argument between the both of you.

You gave it little to no thought, you didn't want to, but with the way the situation was handed to you, you had to.

"does he really have to take me?"

You questioned

Your mothers expression cha fed quickly as she cooked an eyebrow ready to counter your words.

You noticed and quickly came up with an offer, something that would make the situation a bit less tense.

"I mean I can just go there myself, I don't need him taking me."

It went quiet for a bit, everything that had led up to this toppled down onto you, like a crashing building, the stress of moving, your mother having to quit her job and rely on a man she had a bitter past with, the constant reminder that you were not alright and as a result being treated differently.

You hated it, now everything you do felt like it had the weight of the world onto it.

You hated feeling like a burden, you hated being the glue to people you knew very well no longer want to be associated with each other.

The trouble it had caused them made you feel guilty for everything, the very concept of your existence made you want to drown on the deep sea and never find the surface again.

You eyes said everything you were thinking off, yet no one bothered to look.

"Nevermind, if he really wants to take me then fine."

You said plainly careful not to make your worries evident, your mother had gotten better at reading you as a direct result of being closed off, this made her alot more invasive, ever since you had been going to therapy.

You mother sighed before reaching out to you, grabbing your shoulder lightly as she spoke, gently.

"I know how difficult this has been for you, but for the sake of our family... Please try and reconcile with your father"

"of course."

Of course, its no big deal afterall it has always been that way, everything you had ever dug yourself into was for the sake of someone else.

Your mother smiled, taking note of the fact that she hasn't smiled since the both of you moved and for a moment you felt relief wash over you.

"thank you..." your mother said lowly, barely above a whisper.

Hugging you in the process before walking out the door.

The sound of the door shut along with the distant click of your mother's shoe, counting each click as she got further.

No longer hearing anything you sighed, slumping down on the nearest chair, you contemplated death for awhile before hearing a buzz from your side, grabbing your phone you looked at the caller ID only to see the name you dread most.


The screen mocked, you mentally prepared yourself to hear his voice, it always left a bitter aftertaste whenever you spoke to him, after all he has put you and your mother through, it almost felt wrong.

Gliding your fingers through the screen, the bussing stopped as your fathers voice boomed through the phones speaker.

"hey, I'm outside"

Standing up from the chair you open the door and scan the parking lot, and indeed his car was there.

"yeah give me a second to grab my stuff"


You hung up.

In truth, you had nothing to grab, you only needed your phone and your keys, what really was keeping you from moving was the anxiety of seeing him again.

Your airways were closing up, barely being able to breathe as the panic settled in, your eyes getting glosier with each passing second, you grab onto your shirt, fanning yourself in hopes that it will help in some way, it didn't.

You dreadfully turned around and locked the door behind you before walking down the flight of stairs, wiping your tears away as you fiddled with you clothes and hair.

O ce you reached the bottom of the steps, you only looked ahead to see the car, you took a deep breathe before walking towards it and opening the door.

There he sat on the drivers seat, everything passed slowly for a moment, his head turning towards you and the same eyes that used to look at you with such hatred now held a calm look.

Maybe he looked at you fondly, but that was something you could never accept, surely it's only because he hadn't seen you in awhile, the very idea that he might even love you was unbelievable.

His lips moved upwards as he looked at his now much older daughter, his mind reminisces on memories of when you were just a little girl.

He didn't seem to notice at all how much you wanted to cry and break down right there, right at that moment.

How much you wanted to punch him but at the same time hug him, how surreal it felt to see the man who had always hated you, give a fond smile, how you wanted to run away from all of this.

He didn't seem to notice at all

Instead he opened his mouth to speak.

"Welcome home y/n, I missed you"

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