Rainy love

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Once I woke up into a rainy night. I went outside, there I saw him sitting on a bench under a lamp looking somewhere in the distance. I joined him.
"Umm hi" I truned to him.
"Hi beautiful." he smiled.
Beautiful? Nobody ever told me that. It made me blush a little.
"W-what's your name?"  I tried not to panic.
"William, and yours darling?" he is cute.
"Emma..." should I say something more? "...handsome." I added to my sentence.
He winked at me.
I guess I just fell for him. He is so handsome and seems nice.
"Do you have Instagram or something?" He snapped me out of my thoughts with his pretty deep voice and British accent.
"Umm y-yeah, I h-have." it's cold here. I'm stuttering because of it.
He noticed that I'm shaking. He gave me his jacket. His smell felt like a millions of flowers with honey.
"Thank you, um here is my Instagram." I pulled out my phone and found my Instagram account. He immediately followed me. We sat there for a hour, maybe two, I don't really know. Then we decided to go home.

'Do you wanna go on a coffee maybe? ;)' my phone buzzed. Another message from William. We were in touch for a month now.
'yes, I'd love to :3' I replied.
'Okay beautiful, I'll try and pick you up at 14:00 ))' at 14? What time is it? Oh no, 13:15, I don't have much time. I run to the shower quickly, put some mascara on, brush my hair, dress something cute. Hope he'll like it.
It's time. The doorbell rang, he is here. I'm so nervous. Our first date. But what if he takes me as a friend? Yeah, probably.
"Hey, Emma, it's me. Open the door please." he said. It sounds so cute.
I opened the door. He stood there in a beautiful outfit, his smell was amazing. Everything about him was gorgeous. His smile, eyes, face, body, mind, personality...everything. I didn't realized that I was staring at him.
"Oh sorry, you are just...I don't know how to say it. I'm so sorry." I mumbled.
"Don't be sorry, I stared at you too. You look gorgeous today. Not only today, everyday." that his smile melted my heart.
"Oh, umm, t-thank you." stay calm Emma, he probably have a girl and take you only as a friend. Just look at him, how can someone like him be single.
"So, are we going now?" More of a rhetorical question. He grabbed my hand and took me to his car.
We drove somewhere. I never been there. It looks like a little french village. But we are in England. I hope so.
"There is it. My mother's café. She wanna meet you." He spread his arms to show me the building with two big windows and small garden. I just nodded.
Inside it was likeable  and comfortable.
"Oh hi, dear, you can sit anywhere you want. And this young lady must be Emma right?" some woman appear from the back of the café. She was small. But she seems nice and kind. Just like her son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
"He talks about you all the time dear. I feel like I know everythingabout you" she laught a little. "Now go take a seat. I'll bring you some deserts and coffee. It's on me."
We sat on a table for two. In a corner. He remembers that I don't like people. That's sweet.
His mother bring us some strawberry cake and a cappuccino. We talk and talk, I almost forgot what time is it.
"Oh look, it's raining outside." he suddenly change the topic. He run out of the café. I followed him.
"Remember the first time we met? It was raining." I nodded. He looked deep in my eyes and smiled.
Oh no, don't panic, be calm, is my heart beat too loud? Can he hear it? He likes you as a friend.
"Can I...ummm...can I kiss you?" what?! He wanted to kiss me?
"Umm, yes, you can I guess." He leaned towards me. Our faces where an inch apart. Than... than he kissed my lips. HE KISSED ME! The boy of my life! He kissed me. Are we still kissing? Oh, yes, we are still kissing. Stay calm. What should I do with my hands? I'll put it into his hair. And the other on neck? Umm let's try it. Okay, does he like it? Oh. I'm gonna pass out. Help.


"Darling! Look at the flowers." I shouted on William. My William.
"Yes they are beautiful, almost like you." he smiled at me. His little sparkles in his eyes were shining at me, that made me smile too. All I was thinking about now is only his handsome face.
He leaned for a kiss. I kissed him back.
As a little girl I never wanted this type of relationship. I wanted be the cool couple not the cute one. What a shame. Hehe.
We sat down on the grass and we looked at the sky pointing out the clouds with pretty shapes. It was magical.
"I love you, you know right?" I asked.
"Yes, and I love you. I'm all yours."

Where am I? Why is there white? On the walls and on the beds too. Is it a hospital. Nah I can't be in a hospital. But what if?
"Darling? Darling! You are awake!" I heard Emma but I don't see her.
"What happend? I can't see you."
"I'm here, next to you. You were in a bad car crash. I'm so happy that you are alive. You were in coma for a week." she said it with a sad voice.
"Were you in the car too?" I asked.
"Yes." nothing else, only this one word. "And you are alright?" nothing.
I tried to sit. There was her white posture. She smiled and than disappeared. I never saw her again.

Me and my mother went for the fifth time in this month to her.
It's been a year already since the car crash. It should be me. Why it wasn't me?!
I sat down. And laid down her favourite flowers.
"Umm hi." I said to her grave...


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