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“I can't belive it got this far “,the woman whispered. Her gaunt face frammed by sweaty blonde hair. A shadowy figure stood behind her. He looked at the passed out girl in her grasp. She looked seventeen with a pale face and raven colored hair.

His chalk white face went even paler.”Why didn't you tell me? We could have prevented this!”,he hissed.

“Well its too late now! We have to take care of her. I'm not casting her aside like others in the past have! I'm going to take care of her. I will take care of Clarrissa.”,she whispered.

The man brushed a raven strand from her forehead. “What are going to tell her when she wakes up? The truth?”.

The women shook her head and the man clenched his fists. “Why?”.

“I want her to be normal! No matter wich world she goes to shes not normal!”.

He growled.”What are you telling her?”.

She looked up at him her blue eyes rimmed red,tears streaming down her cheeks.”That she was in an accident with you and that you died”.

The man hissed and with a swish of his cloak, disapeared and the girl woke up gasping and coughing. She slowly sat up.

“M-mom?”, she asked.

“Oh god, you're ok”, she envoloped her in a hug.

“Ow my head hurts.....where...wheres dad?”, Clarrissa asked.

Tears came back again. “Honey, i'm sorry, you were a horrible accident with him. He died.”.

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