Chapter one ~ Six Months Later

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Chapter One ~Six Months Later

It was hard. Moving on. Mom made me switch schools after the accident. She said it was for the best.

I dressed in a black mini skirt with spider web tights and my military combat boots. I picked a lose purple tank top. I did my make-up, grabbed my backpack and headed to the wrost place in the whole world. High School.

Jasmine was parked out in front in her black chevy and I quickly climbed in next to Sprat. He was a total spazz at times,probly because of his sugar addiction,but we loved him.He had bleach blonde hair with dark blue streaks and had eyeliner on. Elezar sat with Jasmine in the front seat. He had black hair that he spiked up. Jasmine was the only one of the four of us that had hair that looked natrual. She had wavy brown hair with black dyed on the tips. I myself had curly black hair that hung past my shoulders and had a white feather here or ther clipped in it.

We are the goths,the black souls and the halloween birgade. We go by all three.

They were my my best friends, my comrades,my partners in crime and my shoulders to cry on.

Too soon we arrived at out little prisoin and we had to part seprate ways for homeroom. It was sad really but we made it through till fourth period when we had art and then lunch.

I walked in twirling my long necklace. It was an odd thing it was but I loved it. It had a rather thick chain and hung almost to my naval. On it was a little doll. It was made of rough fabric,had one button eye and had its mouth stitched shut. It was my representation for my love of voodoo. I don't know why exactly but I loved stuff like that. Ghosts and death and voodoo magic. Before I became a goth,too. And whats really awsome is that my mother is totally supportive of it.

But whats really weird is that I got this necklace in the mail. I hadn't ordered it and my mom had no idea where it came from. It arrived in a small silver box with a black ribbon tied arround it. I had felt an extreme pull twords it and always had it on.

Mr.Roming started calling names. I zoned out until he called mine.

“Clarrissa Fontaine”.

“Mr.Roming you know I perfer going by Clairre”,Is how I answered.

“I think it is childish to refer to someone by a nic-name. You are Clarrissa and that is what I will call you.”,he responded kurtly.

I hissed in anoyance at my full name. It sounded WAY to sophisticated for me. The last name too. I was french after all. But did I look it? No!

The old man continued with roll call and we were then dissmissed to first period. I luckily sharred that class with Sprat. He was waiting for me outside the classroom and I nearly ran into him. He was skinny and abit below avreage height for a guy his age. I was shortish so even in my heeled boots I still have to look up at him.

“God Sprat! You gave me a scare!”,I chidded.

He chuckled.”I would never scare you on purpose”. His face flushed a bit with that statement.

I shook my head and we started walking to science,wich was nintey minutes long and utterly boring. Sprat offered to carry my books for me. I paused but then said, “Thanks Sprat. You really are amazing.”

He bounced lightly on his toes, something that you get used to when your friend is addicted to pixie stixs and Count Chocola cereal.

To soon we reached the hell hole known as te science class rooms and we took our seats. We were right next to the window wich I was estatic about. It was by far the best seat in the class. Closest to freedom and farthest from Ms.Karr.

Ms.Karr had to be ninety years old but was entirely stuborn. She never wanted help from any of us so we never offered anymore.

“Good morning class. We are doing activity seventy-eight. Please do the write up and start reading the procedure. As soon as your don-”.

I didn't hear the rest. That was the first time it happened. The first time I left my body and the doll talked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2011 ⏰

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