The meeting

416 18 15

Meows Pov:

I woke up and needed to take a shit because I am a worthless human being so I carefully got out of bed to go and take one.

When I arrived I realised that there was already a shit in the toilet from the night before. I stared at it for a while before realising it was so fucking attractive. I picked it up and took it to my room forgetting about the shit I needed to take before.

I arrived to my room still holding the shit and wondering how it could be so attractive. I sat down on my bed and placed it next to me. After a while I had enough of waiting and kissed it. It was the best kiss of my life, it was so great I shoved it into my mouth and ate a bit. Eventually I stopped kissing it (even though I didn't want to) and asked it to be my partner. It didn't respond so I just assumed it wanted to be and we went to sleep.

I woke up and had the best idea. "Why don't we post our relationship online UwU?" I say to the love of my life "nobody will judge us, everybody loves me UwU" it didn't respond so I just assumed it wanted us to. "Ok yay!! thats so kawaii shit-chan!! UwU" I grab my phone and post a video announcing our relationship.

A couple hours later:

"Nobody understands our relationship shit-chan" I say in-between sobs while hugging my partner. I eventually fall asleep still hugging shit-chan. When I woke up I realised shit-chan was nowhere to be seen. I looked everywhere until I realised I squished it. As soon as I saw the big fat brown stain on my kawaii shirt I realised I murdered it. I couldn't stop crying and had enough of life so I went downstairs.

I got to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "I'm a murderer UwU" I said while holding back sobs. I lifted the knife up and stabbed myself where shit-chans stain was. "I'm sorry shit-chan...I loved you so so much UwU" I said taking my final breath..


Tysm for reading this story :) I've never actually wrote a story before and thought of doing this while reading ppls messages in meows discord!! I hope you liked it!!

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