Kitchen On Fire {Chapter 10}

457 17 7

Warnings: Injury, explosions, distress

Word count: 1114


I wake up to arguing between Claire and my dad. I slip out of bed onto my soft, pale rug, tip toeing to my door that I left open a crack.

"That's not the man I fell in love with!" I hear Claire say, distressed. My eyes widen.

"No. I'm not," my dad replies coldly, then I hear the roof exit open and close.

I assume my dad had left, so I pushed the door open wider.

"How much did you hear, Rylanne?" she turned to me eventually.

"Just the last bit. My dad's not one for commitment in relationships. He definitely fucked up something up with my mom,"

"He didn't mess up his relationship with you. He may have commitment issues, but he loves you a lot,"

"What if he messes that up, too? Just by beating people up each night,"

"Aw, sweetie. If he does, I'll kill him,"

"That doesn't really make me feel better but thanks,"

She hugs me.

"I'd suggest you go to bed, hon. Staying up late worrying isn't fun," she tells me.

"I know," I say before I turn back into my bedroom to search for my phone. I find it plugged in near my nightstand. The harsh blue glow stings my eyes for a second.

Then I sigh.

Sitting in the dark, enclosed in a soft blanket, head laying down on my pillow with my teddy bear nearby, I mindlessly scroll through Tumblr to try and not think.

I don't know how much time has passed until-

Suddenly, a loud sound and a rumble, shaking through the entire apartment rattles me. I grab my lamp so it doesn't fall over. Unfortunately, something in the next room shatters.

Startled, I go to check on Claire, who looks just as confused as I do.

"What was that?" she asked.

I shrugged, unsure. And maybe a little panicked.

A pile of glass is on the floor in front of the coffee table surrounded by a puddle of water. That shattering sound must have been a glass of water falling over.

I'll clean it up before dad gets home.

I got an alert on my phone from a news station. I click it and the title of the video reads 'Explosions in Hell's Kitchen live coverage'.

"Explosions?!" I exclaim, playing the video, glancing nervously at Claire.

"Here? In Hell's Kitchen? Then we better get to the hospital. People are going to be hurt,"

We took a taxi to the hospital where Claire worked.

The streets don't look safe, but it's probably worse in the hospital. It could be a mix of injured bad guys and innocent civilians.

What caused the explosions?

Once we're inside, Claire gets into some scrubs and a pair of latex-free gloves. I spot Foggy and Karen, bringing in an injured Mrs. Cardenas.

"Claire, those are my dad's friends over there," I point out, "I'm going over to them."

"Alright," she says and takes Mrs. Cardenas somewhere.

"Uncle Foggy!" I say, and he turns around.

"Oh my god! Are you hurt? Why are you here? Where's Matt?" he immediately panics.

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