The Devil vs the World {Chapter 11}

448 14 12

Warnings: Starts off in Matt's pov, ends in Rylanne's, emotional distress??, cussing

Word count: 1332


Matt's POV~

The only time I ever felt like I wanted to see after I came to terms with being blind was when my daughter was born. I wanted to see her face, see her laugh and play with dolls. I wanted to see her grow up, see the drawings she gives to Foggy instead of me.

Best I can do is listen to her heart beat, her breathing. Smell the peach shampoo she uses every couple days. Trace my fingers down the sides of her face to put together an incomplete picture.

And I know she's trying to keep up this act like everything is okay and it's tearing her apart from the inside. She doesn't realize I can hear her face fall, smell her fear around everything.

And I feel terrible for putting her through so much shit.

The hot water runs down my back, washing away the blood and dirt from tonight's mistakes. I hope she'll be okay.


Rylanne's POV~

"Oh, Ned's talked of you," I tell Penny through the phone.

"Yeah. I just, I've seen you around the hallways and you're also Ned's friend and this is very late at night to be calling but I was hoping you'd be my friend? You can say no if you want to I was just hoping that maybe we could. But you don't have to," she rambles for a bit.

"Sure. I'll be your friend. See you at school tomorrow," I say and she hangs up. That was a lovely chat.

It made me smile. 

Then I realize I'm super tired but I know I have to stay up just a little to see if he's okay. After about ten minutes of lying on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, I hear the door open. My dad walks out in a pair of pajamas and a towel on his head.

"You should be in bed," he tells me. 

"How badly are you hurt?" I deflect.

"I'm fine," he gives me a hug. Then he picks me up suddenly, which disorientates me. 

"Hey, put me down! I'm not a baby!" I protest.

"If you're going to act like one, I'll treat you like one," he grins, carrying me to my bed and setting me down. I pout a little.

He takes my blanket and tucks me in, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I smile and the next thing I know, it's bright out.

I look around, my blankets messed up.

I slide out of bed, looking out the window. Hell's Kitchen is still scrambling from last night. Ambulances zoom by, roads are blocked, shit looks fucked down there.

"You awake, hon?" I hear my dad say.

"Yeah!" I say back.

I probably should get ready for school.

My dad clatters around in the kitchen making some sort of breakfast to feed me. I'm glad he still finds time in the day to spend time with me.

I get ready and have a lovely breakfast of French toast. I ride the bus to school, glad spring break is finally over. I can't wait to see my friends again.

As I get off the bus, I notice Ned with the girl who called me yesterday.

"Hey Ry, Penny said she wanted to meet you,"

"Hi Penny," I shake her hand, unsure of the greeting ritual.

She shakes it back, "Hi."

She smiles at me and I smile back. It was a little awkward but it was still cool to meet her.

He's My World {Matt Murdock x daughter}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon