3 years later... May 26th 2025

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I woke up with a start as a blood curdling scream
erupted from the alley. My dog was on his feet growling at
the back end of the alley. I lept to my feet with my rifle
pointing where my dog's snout was pointing. I saw the
shadow move… I instantly knew it was one of them…

I pulled my dog back behind me. My gun at the ready.
My finger on the trigger…. Waiting for the slightest area to
shoot… knowing I'd have to aim for the head… as that's
the only way to knock 'em down for good. I watched as I
heard the “clunk clunk” of metal walking towards me. I felt
the sweat dripping down my forehead…

Then it appeared… The metal body with raw bloody
flesh hanging down its sides. The black gunk gurgled from its mouth. The gunky yellow eyes. This one was a giant for
its breed. I'd say 6ft+... I felt no mercy for him even though
I know deep down this was once a human. I waited as the
clunk clunk of him approached. Nice thing about the big
ones is they're slower… I aimed my gun to his head and
pulled the trigger it was a *BAM!! Then CLUNK* it was
down. Now I had to move as others will be attracted to the
sound of a fallen comrade.

I ran off with my dog leading the way. I heard the
clunks of other creatures running to their fallen comrade.
As I ran I heard the angry howls. That sound it's not
human, nor animalistic, it's an awful scream combo of the
two. It's something you'd hear in nightmares…

I looked behind me, no creatures. Then I heard his
whine. My head snapped around. And there was my dog
in front of him, a newly turned creature… I called “Max
come” and he turned slightly. And the creature took his
advantage, The creature zipped forward and grabbed Max
in his hands. I froze for a second, then cocked my rifle so
fast and shot the creature right in the head. Max dropped
out of the creature's grip and squealed toward me. I aimed
my rifle at Max, as if he was infected I’d have no choice.

He looked at me, I watched his eyes. If they turned yellow I'd have to do it for mine and his sake. We stood that way for 3 minutes… I knew he'd have turned by now. I
then heard the squealing of tires. I looked to my left right
as a black truck sped around the corner. He stopped right
in front of me.

“Get in kid hurry up there's a horde of Metal Z’s behind us!”

I instantly hopped in with Max, and he sped off and sure enough behind the truck came 20+ fresh creatures or Metal Z’s as the guy called em.
Once we were a safe distance from the horde.

“Thanks Man i'd have been fresh meat if i'd stayed back there” I said to the guy

*He didn't take his eyes off the road as he replied*

“Sure kid but let's keep it simple I only saved ‘your ass’ cause no one deserves to be eaten and ruined by
those metals”

I thought about that for a moment. It seemed to be a fair thought as it's everyone for themselves out here

“Alright Sir, very well and I agree, it's everyone for themselves only the strong survive”

He looked at me for a split second. Then turned his eyes to the road.

“Wolf-Dog eh?” he said to me

“Wha.. Oh yes he's 80% Gray wolf” I replied

He nodded and continued driving, swerving between burned cars and bodies, I stared out my window day
dreaming back to when there were humans and no Zombies… My eyes closed slightly. I'll rest 'em for a
minute, I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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