Chapter 7: Walls

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Emily avoided the girls the entire day, but Alison knew how to get to her. Emily was walking towards her car when she saw familiar blonde locks standing by the door. She wanted to ignore her but knew it was useless. Alison had that look in her eye.

"What do you want?" Emily asked.

"We need to talk," she says firmly. "I'm driving," and takes the keys from Emily. She drives towards the wooded area.

"Where are we?" Emily asks.

"Our spot," she responds before getting out and walking with Emily close behind. They come to the kissing rock.

"Talk to me Em," she pleads.

"Okay," Emily sighs and sits on the rock. "The truth is that I hit my face on the door when I was running".

"Tell me the truth," Alison pleads with tears.

"That's the truth I swear," she says. "After you guys left, my mom confronted me with all the medical supplies and Spencer's diary and she knew what was going on. She had a break down. She realized what she was doing to me all these years and all this pressure. She called my dad and I couldn't face his disappointment and he's coming back from Texas. He's home waiting I guess. I just bolted because I couldn't face her crying and they were talking about sending me to rehab and I don't know what to do anymore," she cried and Alison wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"It's going to be okay Em," Alison said and kissed the top of her head.

"You don't know that. We still have A to worry about and I need this scholarship from Stanford," she says.

"Are they going to let you swim tomorrow?" Alison asked.

"I don't care, they can't stop me. Legally I'm 18 and I don't even have to go to rehab," she mutters.

"But you do know rehab would be the best option for you right?" Alison says more than ask.

"Yes," Emily whispers.

"All I want...All we want for you is to get better, I hate seeing you hurt, it breaks my heart," Alison said with tears and Emily looked at her confused.

"I want to get better too, for you, for my parents, for everyone," Emily says and Alison grabs her hands.

"You have to want to get better for you. In the end that's all that will keep you clean, you," Alison says and squeezes Emily's hands. "I love you Emily Fields," she says and it takes Emily by surprise.

"I love you too Ali," Emily cried and Alison bough her in for a hug.

"Do you want me there when go you go home?" she asked.

"Please?" Emily asks.

"I'd do anything for you," Alison said. "Come on let's go home," she says and they walk back to the car. Alison drives them to the Fields home and notices another car in the driveway. He's home and Emily's nerves were through the roof. They approached the door and her hand started to shake with the key. Alison put her hand over Emily's to steady it and turn the key. They opened the door and walked through about to head upstairs.

"Emily," Wayne Fields said.

"Dad," Emily replied turning around.

"Alison, I think you should leave, this is a family matter," Pam said but Emily clutched her hand tighter.

"She's not going anywhere," Emily said.

"Why?" he asked softly and her resolve was broken. She started crying hysterically and he wrapped his arms around her. "Oh Emmy, why? Why are you doing this to yourself?"

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