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Heya ya peeps .... I know you guys want to kill me but hear me out. I went MIA for 3 months because a lot has happened to me in these 3 months. I got covid then my whole family got it. My grandfather was very sick so we had to rush him to the icu and even after trying so much we couldn't save him. That took a toll on me. I was pretty attached to him so losing him was ..... yeah you know what i mean. It took me long to pick up my piece and put them back together. I couldn't attend any classes for those 3 months so my carrier was a sinking ship and i even failed my exam . Thank god those were my internals and not finals. I had to rush back to save my carrier after making sure everything was stable at home cuz trust me when i say this everything was a mess. When i went back i had assignments and lessons piled up . My patient quota was huge and professor's expectations were touching the sky. I didn't even have proper time to mourn and cry on my loss . My health had deteriorated so much . But as i went back i was diagnosed with covid for the second time😑. So yeah covid screwed me well. I was fucked ! Like really fucked😭. They send me back home to recover and my work load piled up even more. Finally i went back after completing my quarantine even though I still feel breathless and lung burn when ever I climb the stairs or do something which puts a lot of strain . And I finally got everything under control today. So yeah exciting right ...???!!!🫠 well I'll be resuming updating soon . Hopefully you guys won't be angry with me anymore. My sincere apologies to everyone🥺 and yes i have seen all your messages and I'll try to reply back to each one of you . 💜💜💜


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