Campfire Songs: Short Story

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So this story is sort of just happy fluff. I came up with the idea for it while I was washing dishes. (Ikr so random) Anyway, this story just makes me all warm and fluffy on the inside. If you want me to turn this into a full story of its own, just let me know! I would love too!! I could go into more detail, and plan what I think would be the perfect Percabeth wedding/future. Comment if you want this to be a whole story :)

PERCY POV: I dug into my pocket to make sure it was still there. I grabbed the little black box, opening it to be sure. The ring was still there, like it always was. I had kept it on me since Leo had finished making it.

I had decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to propose to Annabeth, but I was waiting until the time was right. I wanted it to be as perfect as Annabeth is.

I shoved the box back into my pocket as I saw the ever so familiar blond curls headed my way.

"Hey!", I said, probably a little to excitedly, but she didn't look suspicious.

"Hey Perce, are you ready for tonight?", Annabeth asked.

"Tonight is....?", I said playfully, knowing full well what it was. I had been thinking about it all week. I put my arm over my girlfriend's shoulder and we started walking towards my cabin.

Annabeth played my game. "Oh you know, my 21st birthday and Solo/Duet Night at the campfire. I heard that we are performing."

Once a month, instead of having a regular sing-a-long, campers have the chance to perform solos and duets at the campfire. It's really cool, and I love listening to all of the people sing, but this is the first time that I am actually going to perform.

See, a few weeks ago, I was showering in my cabin and Annabeth walked past, hearing me singing random songs. According to her, I'm really good, though I'm nowhere near as good as her voice is. So, she signed us up to do a duet. I don't get stage-fright or nervous in front of crowds, but very, VERY few people have ever heard me really sing.

We walked into my cabin and practiced with Piper, who was playing the piano for us. We rehearsed up until lunch, and then for a little while afterwards, without Piper this time.

The closer we got to the campfire, the more nervous I got. Not just because we were performing, but because I had decided when and how I was going to propose. By the time the horn blew for dinner, I was bouncing on the balls of my feet.

Before I sat down, I pulled Jason (rather abruptly) out of the crowd walking towards the pavilion and behind a pillar to talk privately.

"What the heck, Percy? Do you need something?", Jason asked, startled.

"Yeah, I do need something. A wingman...", I whispered, trying to avoid attracting attention.

"A wingman?", Jason whispered back. "What for... Wait. You're gonna do it tonight?!"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so. After our performance. Can you film it for me?"

Jason bobbed his head. "Yeah, of course, man. Anything. Good luck!"Before I walked to my table, I turned back to my closest friend. "Thanks. Oh, and don't tell anyone. Kay?"

He gave me a thumbs up. "You got it dude!" (A/N: First person to comment on who and where that quote is from gets a shoutout!)

I didn't eat much at dinner, I was too busy worrying about the billion things that could go wrong. My right knee was bouncing nervously at speed reaching 90 miles an hour.  

When the time came to go to the campfire, I met Annabeth by her table and we walked down together. We grabbed a seat close to the center so that we could get to where the small stage had been set up easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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