where the hell is this place

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A man in rough anddanmaged armor is seen walking away from a large burning tree, with him are his sword and Shield the man then suddenly collapses to the ground blood pools under his body as he finally goes still

(Bloody wolf pov)

I did it I finally killed that ugly monster and with destined death restored I can finally rest

*suddenly a dim glow of yellow expanded in what looks like never the ending darkness as I grows brighter and brighter consuming the dark getting ever stronger until the knight is consumed too*

You've gotta be fucking with me

*light fills the knight eyes as it he is met with, Vibrant forest and green grass unlike most of the atlus plateau where he spent most his time*

Dear Godfrey, fuck you for spiting me from beyond the grave you holy, well built dick

*the knight picks up his sword as ulhe picks a direction and starts walking, 2 hours later*

What the hell a house it looks relatively intact let's hope they haven't gone mad

*the knight walks to the door and readys himself before knocking then a second after a woman in a white cloak opens the door*

Knight: hi I'm looking for directions to the nearest city

Woman: Oh, your looking for vale well that's a bit if a walk and it's getting Kate how about you stay the night

Knight: I don't see why not

*she leads shim inside where he plops onto the couch*

Knight: I never got your name

Summer: Oh, my name is summer rose I'm a huntress

Knight: so you hunt animals

Summer: not exactly
Do you not know what huntsman are

Knight: not in this worlds context

Summer: Well huntsman are elite worriers tasked with fight monsters called grimm, and did you say 'this world'

Knight: yeah, I woke up here after killing the abassary of a God know as all thing and restoring destined death to my world

Summer: I should call oz about this he'd know what to do

Knight: who?

Summer: ozpin is my boss of sorts he gives me missions

Knight: do you have one right now

Summer: Yes I was just about to head out

Knight: mind if I join you

Summer: I don't mind the help and I'll give you a cut of the lien which is our currency

Knight: where I'm from we use runes(holdsup lords rune)

Summer: is that made of solid gold

Knight: Yes, but we break these up into smaller pieces for individual use

*the two walk off down the dirt road until they reach a bullhead waiting for them*

Pilot: are you mrs.rose

Summer: Yes, plus one companion

Pilot: that's fine hop in

*the knight hesitantly steps in and sits in a seat as the bullhead takes off*

Knight: how does this thing fly

Summer: it uses dust powered engines, for context dust is a crystal that holds an element like fire, ice, and electricity

Knight: reminds me of greases from my world

Summer: you'll have to show me some time but, we're here

*the two step out into a forest*

Knight: So whats mission

Summer: we need to clear the forest

Knight: then let's do this

* the two walk through the forest until they reach a small clearing where red eyes stare from every angle*


*the knights eyes burn a bright yellow as he opens up with a beam of frenzy shooting a hole through one of the grimm before charging forward cleaving a beath stalkers head off *

Summer: what the hell

*she quickly lunges forward at the hoard  swinging her scythe slicing through the grimm at lighting speeds*

(Hours later)

*Summer is seen sitting under a tree with the knight leaning on one across from her*

Summer: your pretty strong

Knight: it's from years of experience

Summer: I can see that

Knight: I say we head back

Summer agreed

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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