When you walk in on him changing

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Nami wanted me to tell Luffy the new way we were going, Luffy was in the males room doing something so I just walked in

Little did I know he was changing, I just stood there for a minute before I could comprehend what I walked into

He blinked before tilting his head "Oh hey Y/N... what are you doing in here?"

Somehow this didn't effect me at all "Nami wanted me to tell you that we're heading West"

He finished putting on his vest and then his hat "Oh ok... what way is that again?"

I pointed in the direction "Oh ok thanks, your the bests" he kisses my cheek and then hugged me before running out

*Sigh "I love him so much"

I wanted to give Zoro cuddles and I assumed that he was sleeping in the boys room but no! He had to be changing instead

He just stood there in his underwear looking at me for a good second before blushing and covering up

"Hey stop staring at me!" He covered himself

I rolled my eyes at him "Zoro, I didn't care what you wear or if your wearing nothing at all, it doesn't change the fact that I came here for cuddles and I'm going to get what I want"

He still has a blush on his face "Jeez you didn't have to put it like that... just give me a second"

I don't wait, I just grabbed him and hugged him close "No thanks I'll just cuddle you like this"

"Wait no! Ugh! Just remember I'll do this to you if the moment arrives"

Sanji dived in the water to try to get Luffy to stop drowning

Sanji was complaining about how his suit was soaking and he needed to change into a new one

He ran to the room before I realized that he forgot his towel and the water is going to make a mess

When I walked in his was in his button down but since it was wet it looked way hotter on him

I blushed and left before he could even notice I was there

Ace and I live together so it isn't as weird as we start dating

I walked into our room and I saw him looking at himself in the mirror

"What you looking at?" I asked while walking towards him

"I'm thinking of getting another tattoo but of something the symbolizes our relationship"

I smile "What about our names in a infinity sign" he smiled "But it's missing something..."

I hugged him "I have to be able to add our kids name to it" he smirked

"Omg! Just put your shirt back on!"

Law was still staying at my house so this means that we were kinda like a married couple... at least that's how I see it

He still refused to sleep with me in my room so he insisted on staying in the living room

But sometimes I'd sneak down there and cuddle with him

One day I was sneaking down there to see him when I saw him take off his shirt

I kinda heavily simped at this moment "Oh my god your so handsome!" I yelled at him

He turned to look at me "Your being creepy..."

I ran up to him "Tell me the meaning behind all of your tattoos!"

He rolled his eyes "Fine but just know that your making me a little uncomfortable and insecure"

I looked at him sadly "Why do you feel insecure? Your handsome and I love you so just be yourself"

He smiled "You mean it?" He asked and I smiled "Dude of course I mean it! Your hot!"

This made him laugh, these moments are my favourite

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