Chapter 2

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Art by Elsik

Slowly and gradually, Chestnutkit feels himself start to wake up. His body feels numb, yet sore at the same time.

Uuugghhh... Am I dead?

He attempts to wiggle his paw around, but to his shock, he can't.


He quickly sits up and opens his eye. His other one refuses to open, and is covered in cobwebs... along with half of his entire body.

He quickly collapses and yells shortly after getting up, as a wave of pain greets his tiny body.

"Chestnutkit! Y-You're awake!" Phloxberry perks up from the other side of the medicine den and approaches him. "I'm so g-glad you're alright! You're s-such a strong little tom!"

"What happened??"

"Oh, d-dear..." 

"MY BABY!" Before Chestnutkit can ask again, Poppyspring rushes over to him and gently nuzzles his non injured cheek. "You're actually alive... Thank StarClan!" 

"What do you mean..?" Chestnutkit's eye widens. "Did I almost die??" 

Poppyspring and Phloxberry glance at each other before silently coming to the conclusion to tell him. 

"Chestnutkit, son..." Poppyspring starts. "You protected your sister from a fox, but you got very badly hurt. Phloxberry didn't think you'd make it, but.. you did. I'm so proud of you." 

Chestnutkit looks down at his scrawny body, his fur still ruffled and matted from the attack. He picks at the cobwebs covering the side of his body.

"When can I get these off?"

"I-It will take a good while," Phloxberry meows. "This is one of t-the heaviest injuries I've ever s-seen."

He tries and moves his leg. There's a slight twitch of motion, but it causes him to yelp in pain.

"I-I can still walk with this, right? Still become a warrior with Gingerkit and Dandykit??"

"I'm not sure if that's p-possible, little one..." Phloxberry hangs her head.

"I'm sure we can find a way, right?" Dandykit rests her tiny paw on her friend's shoulder. "There's gotta be some warriors with less than four legs! Just look at BrackenClan's leader!"

"I think my son should be a warrior."

Chestnutkit recognizes the voice and brown pelt of his father, Adderdust.

"I'm sorry, A-Adderdust... I'm just not sure if his b-body would be able to handle it..."

"You know, FrostClan has a deaf warrior. And before her, they had a completely BLIND one. My son can both see AND hear, and has legs to run on. If he needs extra training to fulfill his dreams, so be it. As long as he can be what he wants."

"Adderdust, y-you must understand that he won't be able to w-walk without learning to balance on only o-one front and back leg."

"Phloxberry, I-" Adderdust stops himself and calms down before continuing. "Listen, I want Chestnutkit to have as many paths to take as he wants. I never knew my real parents, but.. I'd want them to stand up for me, too."

"I understand, Adderdust. I-I really do." Phloxberry sighs. "But... I don't think h-he can become a warrior with this injury. His b-best bet is to become a m-medicine cat under my wing once he's old enough."

Chestnutkit squeezes his eye shut and starts to hyperventilate.

Please stop fighting... Please... I just-

"Kits, I'd like you to leave, okay?" Poppyspring's voice snaps him out of it. "Dandykit, can you help him walk?"

"Sure, I can try!" She gently helps him onto his paws and starts leading him out.

"P-Please, be careful!" Phloxberry frets. "I don't want him to-"

"Stop talking." Adderdust growls.

"ADDERDUST!" Poppyspring gasps. "She's just doing her job!"

The kits hustle out of the medicine den, Chestnutkit squinting after being in the sunlight for the first time in days.

"So..." Dandykit tries to ignore the arguing cats inside. "Is it true that Adderdust never knew his parents?"

"Yep," Chestnutkit meows. "He and aunt Goldentuft were raised by Ivypetal instead."

"Isn't she Thistlevine and Cloverbreeze's mom?"

"Yeah. It's silly thinking that my dad and Thistlevine were raised by the same cat. Thistlevine is so giant and scary, but my dad isn't."

"He seemed pretty scary inside. All grown-ups are pretty scary. They could tell you to do ANYTHING."

"My mom told me not to trust anyone I don't know, though. That's why I don't trust Poppykit's mom."

"Birdblossom? You know her, silly!" She nudges him playfully, but quickly helps him recenter after watching him wobble.

"Yeah, but not very well. She always acts kinda mean, too."

"Maybe we should go visit Poppykit?" Dandykit suggests. "She's tried to come see you, but her mom keeps saying no."

"What about Gingerkit? Where's she?"

"I.. don't really think she wants to see you right now."

"What?? Why?"

"She feels really bad about what happened to you," she sighs. "But don't worry! Phloxberry wasn't sure if you'd be able to walk, and look at you now! You're doing great."

"It's.. really hard." Chestnutkit looks down at his legs. His injured limbs are lifelessly hanging down from his body. "This is going to take a bit to get used to." He feels tears starting to swell in his eyes.

"Well, I'll be here with you every step of the way, alright?" Dandykit gently nuzzles his side.

"Thanks, Dandykit..." He chokes quietly. "I really wish I could be a warrior with you... ...You're the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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