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I've never been popular, I wasn't part of the cool group. Through all my years of high school my 2nd year was the worst. I was hoping my last year will be better.

56 days in to school and I haven't caused any waves.

I sat in the science lab waiting for Mrs. Lotter to get back. I open my notebook and go over my lab notes before our chemistry experiments. "Class" Her gruff but classy voice echoed the lab.
"This is Calum, he's new." I looked up to see a kiwi boy with dark brown hair. His brown eyes sparkled under the LED lights above. "I have already assigned a seat for you next to Ashton" she pointed to the table in front of me.

The tanned boy sat in front of me and shook his partners hand. He turned around to grab his bag, and his eyes met mine. *Oh god was I staring at him?* I thought to myself. He smiled. I could feel my cheeks burning as he turned back around.

Does He Know About Me (Cake) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now