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Third Person


In the prison, there is Kim Taehyung, happily playing hali gali and uno cards with his cellmates. In just a few days' stay in the cell, his mates become his friends. They have treated him well since the beginning. They are not mean and bad people like other people say. They are just misjudged by society. When you commit a crime, it doesn't mean you are naturally bad. 

They are now laughing since the Taehyung lost again for the nth time this afternoon. When Taehyung first goes to this cell, the other prisoner says that Taehyung's case is murder since they heard from the guards. They also heard that their cellmate was rich and a CEO, so they expected him to be rude and impolite, but the opposite happened.

At first, Taehyung didn't talk or speak to them; he was just silently and lifelessly laying in the bottom bed of the double deck; but when they talked to the latter, he talked to them politely and he just smiled at them. His cellmate changed their views and opinions on Taehyung. He is a kind, polite, bubbly, and sweet kid that will make everyone admire him.

"You lose again, Taehyung-ie."

Taehyung whined when he lost again to them. He also pouted when he put his last card on the floor. His cellmate just cooed at the younger boy.

"Let's play again, hyungies, let me win just one please."

He pleaded and his hyungies just laughed at him,

"Okay,one last round, we will be easy on you this time."

They started the game again, and in the last game they let Taehyung win. Taehyung was happy when he defeated his hyungies, even though they just let him win one. They were happy to see that Taehyung was happy, since on his first night and day here he looked depressed and sad.

When they are finished playing cards, they hide the cards since it's already late, so they decided to stop the game and sleep.

"Let's play again tomorrow, hyungies."

He mumbled

The leader, Min Ji, just chuckled and nodded at him,

"Yes, we will play again tomorrow."

On the other hand, Jungkook was in the living room relaxing a bit before going back to work again later. He was just resting his eyes since he had been looking at his laptop for more than 5 hours non-stop. He's lying on the sofa and he looks at his phone to see the time and it's already 9 in the evening. When he arrived at his penthouse, he went to his office to go back to work. While looking at his phone, he decided to call his father. After a few rings, Mr. Jeon already answers his phone.


"Yes son, why did you call?  Do you need anything?"

"No dad, I just want to inform you to go to the law firm tomorrow. We will have a meeting."

"Meeting about what, Jungkook?"

"It's Kim Taehyung's case. I want you to be there, dad. I will go on to discuss what we are going to do in the hearing."

"Okay son, I will be there."

"Be there at 10:00 A.M., dad. Also, inform Mr. and Mrs. Kim to go there tomorrow in the meeting. "

"Alright. I will inform them"

After hanging up with his father, he finds his friend's contact number. He first called me Yoongi Hyung.

"Hello Jungkook?"

"Hello Yoongi hyung."

"Why did you call?"

"Are you busy tomorrow, Hyung?"

"No, I just finished my case yesterday, so I'm free tomorrow."

"Hyung, can you go to the meeting room at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow? I will be needing your help. "

"Is it about that Kim Taehyung's case?"

Jungkook just hummed,

"I will be there then."

"I'm going to hang up the phone now, Hyung. I will also call Namjoon Hyung and Hobi Hyung."

"Okay! Good night Jungkook"

Jungkook called his hobi hyung right away, and after a few tries, the older one answered the call.

"Hello Jungkook, do you need something?"

"Sorry for disturbing you hyung but yes I need your help."

"It's okay Jungkook. What is it? How can I help you?"

"Hobi hyung, go to the meeting room tomorrow by 10:00 A.M." I will be needing your help and skills. "

"Expect me to be there."

"Thank you, Hyung."

The short conversation ended by saying goodbye. The next person he called was Namjoon.

He tried to call Namjoon but the latter didn't answer the call, so Jungkook just decided to text him.

Namjoon Hyung, can you go to the meeting room tomorrow by 10:00 A.M.? I will definitely need your help. I will be expecting you there.

The last person he texted was his secretary.

Secretary Eun informed my team to be in the meeting room tomorrow by 10:00 A.M. I will discuss something and also inform them I need the information I asked for them to collect. 

When he sent the message, his secretary responded right away.

Alright, Sir, I will inform your team.

When he finishes reading the reply of his secretary, Namjoon's reply pops up on the screen.

Expect me to be there, Jungkook. I will be there.

He smiled when he finished informing the people he needed to win the case. He is preparing all the things he needs for the hearing that will happen next week. 

He took a deep breath before putting the phone back on the table beside him and he got up from his lying position on the medium-sized sofa so that he could start his work to put all the files he needed on the pen drive. After creating another copy of the files of evidence, he also put in the brief case all the printed and written materials and the pictures that were given to him by the police officer. 

He shut off his laptop and started to fix all the mess on the table. He sipped the last drop of coffee in his mug before putting it on the sink. When he went back to the living room after washing the mug, he saw the pile and stock of paper that he used earlier.

"I know, it will be over soon. We will win this case. I need to win this case. "



I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

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