Really, Yan?!

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Honestly, I didn't expect this to happen. Yan asked me to go out with him and Leo. He never asked anything like that and we never went out together. Back in Bulgaria we had different friends and we never hung out. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out, but I needed to start my American life from somewhere. It wasn't the best beginning, but it was okay.


My dad, Ivan, came home from work around 4 PM. Leo was already home at that time, so dad didn't get to see him. Mom and dad gave me permission to go out with Yan. It was really weird that they said I can go out, but it was with Yan, so it was understandable. With him and Leo I was generally safe.


I was digging in my closet to find an appropriate dress for that night. I needed a long and a short dress at the same time, something in the middle. I don't like short dresses, I don't feel comfortable wearing them. Although, I couldn't wear a long dress in a night club, just it doesn't work that way. This was a hard job, because I didn't have a lot of dresses at all. I was going with that classic black dress I wore to all events and celebrations. Even that, this one was also short, but it was only suitable for this occasion. I had few more short dresses, but one was too small for me to fit in it and the second one was too green and too short. I put some makeup, graphic eyeliner, mascara and dark pink matte lipstick. I also wore my silver necklace. Dad bought me that me necklace for my 13th birthday. I was scared that someone could have stolen my necklace, but I wanted to wear it, it was my first time going out in the USA.


We should have been in the club by 8 PM. The club was around 45 minutes away from our house. Leo wanted us to go with him, he recently bought a new car, so he came to our house around 7 PM. While we were driving to the club I was silent the whole time, only Leo and Yan were talking. It wasn't that bad, I mean I didn't have anything to talk with Leo. After 40 minutes we finally came there. It was so nice inside the club. Those lights were so colorful and strong, but music from the other side was too much loud. It was a club, so it was expected to be loud. There were a lot of people, maybe too much for my taste. Yan bought me some strawberry cocktail, it was non-alcoholic of course. I couldn't complain, the cocktail was good. Leo couldn't drink alcohol because he was driving us, but Yan had no problem to drink alcohol. I was totally safe with him being drunk, but at least I could lean on Leo if something happens.


We were there till 11 PM, 3 hours there were enough. We started driving home and Yan immediately fell asleep. I was honestly very embarrassing seeing him in such an addition. A few minutes later I started talking to Leo and it was actually comforting talking to him. He seemed mature and intelligent. I didn't know that he is older than me a year, I thought that he is as old as Yan. Leo and I were actually in the same high school. He said that we can go together to school, but I said that I will think about it.

He said - "Was it funny tonight?"

-"Yeah, it was good. Yan made a great decision, asking me to go with you two." - I answered.

-"Yan? No, that was my idea, I wanted you to come with us." - He said that really confidently with a little anger in it.

I was lost for a second. Yan didn't call me out?? This was so uncomfortable moment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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