It's Christmas and I'm in Misery

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Cooking Thanksgiving dinner was one thing, but cooking Christmas dinner was in a league all its own. Mady and her mother had been cooking and baking all day. Sure, it was fun at the start, but after four hours; being in the kitchen was starting to get really old. Once everything was made: the cookies, the ham, the mashed potatoes, the corn, the casserole, the everything; she moaned loudly, collapsing onto her bed. At least everything was ready for tomorrow.

To Mady's surprise, the phone charging on her night stand buzzed. Who in their right mind would be sending her a message so late at night? With much more effort than there should have been, Mady reached her arm across the bed, looked at the device and smiled instantly.

Merry Christmas the message read with a picture of the marketplace in Prague. The marketplace was decorated extravagantly for the holiday. What a lucky man Steve was to be able to experience it.

"So that's where you are," she whispered, stunned at the now incoming call. "Hey stranger. Merry Christmas!"

"I hope I didn't wake you up," Steve's voice caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach. "I'm sorry. I should have realized what time it was back home. Merry Christmas, Mady."

"Don't worry about it, my mom and I just got done cooking and baking everything for tomorrow's dinner. The house smells amazing by the way. This is the first time I've been able to sit down all day, and you're one to talk. Isn't it six o'clock in the morning where you are? Do you not know what sleep is?"

"We start early. You must be really tired, I'll call you again some other-"

"Steve, you might not be able to call me later," Mady said. "Sorry, that was rude of me. I'm not even that tired. How are you? How are- things?"

"Busy now," he sighed. "We've been all over the freaking continent, going after leads left and right. The first two weeks were absolutely terrible. Our informant was a complete idiot, and didn't help us whatsoever. We ditched him and went out on our own. I'm glad that I got to hear your voice, though. This is definitely the highlight."

"Aw, do you miss me?" she teased, pulling her knees to her chest with a giant grin on her face. "Is it smart to ditch an informant? Seems like an important part of your mission there, buddy. Are you even allowed to tell me this?"

"I couldn't care less at this point," Steve said. "You have no idea how much I miss you. It's so weird, not being able to see you on a regular basis. Do you-do you miss me?" his heart pounded, anxiously awaiting her answer.

"I do miss you, Steve. A lot," she answered. "It seems like we have become dependent upon one another."

"I don't see anything wrong with that. Are you excited to be with the rest of your family tomorrow?" he was the one grinning like a fool now.

"I would be more excited if you were here with us, but we can't always get what we want. Grandpa Ned would have a field day if the both of you were in the same room together. He will be your shadow the entire day."

"I wish I was home, too," she loved how effortlessly the word rolled off his tongue. "Even if these places are beautiful, nothing beats being with you."

"My, my, Mr. Rogers, look at you being all suave. What happened to the shy and awkward Steve Rogers? You'll be back soon right?" she asked. "I was hoping we could ring in the New Year together."

"If Fury gives us the green light, I will definitely be back in time for New Year's," he yawned. "Sorry, it just hit me how tired I am. Looks like I will be having an interesting day today."

"That's what coffee is for," Mady said. "I'll see you when you get back, Steve. Goodnight or good morning, I guess."

"I wish I wasn't so tired. I want to know how you're doing, how your December has been," he sighed. "I hate this."

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