Chapter 9: A Shadow in the Night

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He broke the surface of the water gasping for air. It had been hours since Green dove into the river and although the initial shock had helped keep him awake, the long swim had sapped away his energy. His stomach had been growling for some time, pain twisting in his gut; but he had seen no fish in the river and even if he had he would not have wanted to stop. Getting to safety was his top priority.

He could see no movement at the river's edge. The sun was slowly descending, taking the bright blue sky away and he could hear the whistle of the wind that caused the long grass to sway. He kicked hard while treading water, not wanting to sink now he had come this far. But having stopped he realized his arms were shaking. No, his whole body was shivering. A cold tingle running up his spine and down his arms. The combination of being soaked and the night coming would not be a pleasant sensation.

Satisfied that he hadn't been followed or spotted, Green kicked lazily towards the riverbank and pulled himself out. The chains that bound his hands clinking as he dragged himself across the sand. The grains sticking to his soaking clothes and face, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He rolled onto his side and sputtered, spraying sand, water and spit over the tiny slither of beach.

Pulling himself to his feet was tough, Green was more exhausted than he had ever been before. His muscles were aching, and his legs felt hollow. So much so that even standing became a challenge. His stomach rumbled in agony, and he could feel his legs about to buckle. Clenching his bound hands into fists and reaching them out in front of him, Green panted a few breaths, then pounded his fists into his face.

"Come on! Stay awake!" he shouted in defiance. Determined not to let exhaustion tear him down until he was ready. His resolve strengthened and his head hurting a little, he wandered into the prairie, shuffling his feet through the many flowers littering the land around him. Such vibrant colours that stood out in the dwindling light. Red and yellow and white. Poppies and tulips and daisies.

A shape in the distance caught Green's attention. A brown square against the darkening sky. It seemed familiar, a shape he had seen before but his weary mind could not place it. He headed towards it; time a blur as dangerous thoughts wandered through his tired mind. Ghostly voices whispering terrible thoughts to him.

It's too dangerous to be out at night. Zombies are coming to attack you. You'll never find food out here.

Shaking his head, he pushed on. He would not give into his fears! But he flinched when something in the shadows moved to his right. He thought he saw a creature with long black legs running through the grass.

He turned to catch sight of it but found nothing. Had it vanished? Or was his imagination playing tricks on him again? His beaten down mind hallucinating his fears. Then another voice whispered in the back of his mind.

Don't get side-tracked, you need to keep moving.

The voice was strong and confident. It was a voice he would trust and obey.

As he approached the brown square, its form became clearer. A wall. The wall of a structure. A structure of wood. A house! Safety from the night! Now that Green was closer, he could see a small farm plot at its side where a single plant stood proud on the otherwise infertile land. He waddled towards it, tears swelling in his eyes. Praying to Notch that it would be something edible. A carrot, potato or beetroot. Anything!

Green fell to his knees and tentatively reached out. His cold hands brushing against something soft and sticky. A familiar but unwelcome feeling washed over him, and, in that moment, he snapped back to reality.

He was kneeling on a dried-up farm plot, grasping at a tangled mass of cobwebs woven around a dying wheat plant. His hands were shaking, his mouth had gone dry and tasted like blood. He turned to the house. Several parts of the walls were missing with moss and cobwebs littering the damaged spaces, hitting him with a terrifying rush of Deja vu. An abandoned village!

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