Now I don't support AmorAltra but

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(This is for my DeviantArt friend Vlad)

"Pico! Pico!"

"What do you want now, Bee?"

"You should meet the new guys in town! One has blue hair, the other has yellow, and they both dress in yellow, that's how you should know it's them!"

"What's their names?"

"Bob and Bosip."

Pico hoped that the new guys, Bob and Bosip, were friendly. See, Pico wasn't into non-friendly people, he would pull out his UZI whenever he encounters them.

When Boyfriend and Pico stopped by the park, they were shocked to see that only Bosip was around. Where was Bob? Pico needed answers.

"Oh? Boyfriend? It's nice to see you again. Is that your friend?"

"Yes, he is. His name is Pico. Pico, say hello to Bosip."

Before Pico could greet his new friend, he trips over on a rock. This resulted in him somehow swallowing Bosip whole; by accident, too!

"PICO?! Did you just ate Bosip?!"

"I-I'm sorry, it was an accident, I swear!"

"It's fine. Now go spit him out before he digests!"

So that's what Pico did. He ran to an area in the park where nobody can see him, though walking was made harder thanks to his swollen stomach.

It took some effort, but Pico manages to spit out Bosip. As Pico left, Bosip had a devilish though: if he got eaten by Pico, why couldn't it be the other way round?

"That Pico guy, he is so gotta get paid for this..."


Pico found a note in his mailbox. This was what the note said:

Dear Pico,

It's surely nice to make new friends, isn't it? Now, I've baked a cake for you, and you'll love it! If you find the green car with the blue roof, make sure it's my car! Once you see the blue and green car, get inside, and I'll give you your cake. Make sure to not bring that gun of yours!

Yours truly, Bosip

"Isn't that a bit sketchy? Oh well, I would do anything for that cake, so..."

While Pico was walking, he found a green car with a blue roof, just like what the note said. Pico knocks on the window.

"Bosip? You there?"

"Who- Oh, Pico! Glad you made it."

"So, where's the cake that you promised to give me?"

"Didn't you read the whole letter? Get in."

Pico was confused, but gave in, and got inside. Once there, Pico found himself being picked up by Bosip. Before he could say a thing, Bosip shoves Pico's head in his mouth. The whole note, it was all a trap in order to get revenge the whole time. And Pico was dumb enough to fall for it.

Bosip wasn't even slow with Pico; he swallows him down, down, and down, until the helpless ginger falls into his stomach.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? Let me out, now!!!"

"Nah, I don't think so. Even if it was an accident, you know I could never forget about it until I get my revenge, huh? After all, I'm a human shark, you should had known."

"So you're telling me I'm going to get digested in here?"

"Well, yes. It's the best I can do, and I hope you enjoy your last few hours of your life, inside me. Hope that clear thi- UUURRP! Heh..."

So it was no surprise when Pico got fully digested hours later. He has already accepted his fate. Plus, nobody was around when Bosip ate Pico, so he knew the others are going to get worried about him. But that doesn't matter, Pico was dead now.

The next day, Bosip's friend, Bob, keeps getting calls from Pico's friends, Darnell and Nene. Annoyed, Bob knocks on the bathroom door. Bosip was there, taking a massive shit to disposal what remained of Pico.

"Listen to me, Bosip. I'm getting calls from two guys named "Darnell" and "Nene", they keep calling me to see if I had seen their friend "Pico" anywhere. Bosip, what the hell did you did to him?"

"That Pico guy? Uhh... I have no clue what happened to him, plus, I never did anything to him..."

"Huh. That's weird. Anyways, if Pico doesn't appear by midnight, they'll call the police tomorrow."

"I hope they find him before that."

After Bob left, Bosip lets out a quiet chuckle: Bob didn't knew what Bosip actually did to Pico.

By the next day, Pico was already reported missing. However, they never found him, and it soon turned into a cold case.

What they didn't knew, was that Pico was nothing but shark food now...


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