Part 2.5

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(How I get the idea, I have no idea)


Amari kept telling me how fun it was to go to school, I have to wait there for an hour before she got disturbed by a worker who told her to do stuff

I don't hate school but is just that,  I don't like talking with strangers

Except for a few of them...


At least it isn't a bad thing, right?

I try to quit thinking while I packed up my bag ready to go to school

I hope they aren't a bad person...

*At School*

2nd day at school...

Still as normal as ever

But right now, I don't see my homeroom teacher

I wonder where she went?

Then suddenly there's a knock on the door

When it's open, it reveals that it's the Principal, Mr. Wang

Mr. Wang explains that our homeroom teacher is going to her parents because something tragic happened

So, he says that this time free time 

And then he walks away

Now it's free time...

I'll just sleep until the next period cames

But someone approaches me


"Hey, Y/N!"


"Oh, it's you again"

"Hello there, Venti"


"What are you doing alone?"


"Just sleeping, I don't have friends yet in here"


"Well then, I can become your friend!"

Venti says in a cheerful voice


"I thought you're gonna dislike me after I tease you?"


"Well, uhm- about that-"

"Lets just say that I forgive you"

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