It wasn't supposed to end like this

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I always thought I would never be happy with someone until I met you.

I would do anything to hold you a little tighter
Hug you a little longer
Your smile
Your laugh
The way you hug me
I wish I could forget all those things

I never know you could be addicted to someone
Will I ever recover
If so when will I.

I wish I could forget about you and your smile and how it would always gave me butterflies
I would always get lost in your golden brown eyes that looked like a pool of honey
Your chuckle warmed my heart
Every time I hugged you I felt safe
I felt like I was hugging a warm cloud
It took away all my problems and it's weird how just a hug can be that powerful

I hate my self each and everyday
I wish I knew how to love someone
If I knew I couldn't live without you I would've treated you different.

I wish things ended differently
I hate how we walk past eachother in the halls like we're strangers
But we strangers with memories

I still drive past your house
I remember all the memories
I remember when you made me watch Star Wars
I hated when you picked me up
Now I would do anything to be picked up by you
You carried me like a potato sack
The way we laugh and giggle
Being with you felt like a movie 
It felt unreal.

The person I once knew.Where stories live. Discover now