Chapter 6

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When I got to his room he took out 2 baby shirts they were so cute (Pic on top) I hugged him and said "Thanx bae" .SHIT. He looked into my eyes and leaned in and our lips touched it was so wrong but it felt so right. Soon we were making out and he started kissing my neck he began sucking on it and I began to moan I missed him tbh. I still really love him but, I don't think he loves me I think I'm getting played I pushed him off of me and he said "What?" I said "Do u really love me?" he said "Why would u ask that? Of course I love u" I smiled but then remembered about his girl I said "I can't do this" he said "Do what?" I said "We can't do this anymore we aren't together and u have a girl. I still love u but.......I'm sorry we can't" he said "Look I'm sorry all this had to happen but I still love u ik exactly what u think but I'm not using u for ur body I actually love u a lot" I hugged him and then I heard my mom call my name I said "I gtg put all the gifts in the trunk and then I'm leaving so bye and thanx" he said "I'm going to ur house" I said "Okay" we went downstairs and there was a shit load of gifts Steven and his siblings helped put them in the car. We finally finished and Steven got some clothes and we went home my stomach started hurting but not a lot after I helped put the gifts in my room I started putting them in the baby's closet. I finished and then my stomach started hurting more I was sweating and then I called Steven he came and said "Its time?" I nodded yes and he called my mom she went outside and started the car while Steven helped me downstairs we finally got downstairs and we went to the hospital they rushed me to a room and Steven held my hand.

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