Chapter 7

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Monday April 27, 2015 our baby is born "What u gonna name him?" Steven asked I said "Steven Iseah Fernandez" Steven smiled and so did I the nurse said "U will stay here for 3 day's" I nodded and Steven got a call he said "I can't Jay just had our bby" he looked at me and said "It's my gf can she come? She wants to see the bby" I nodded yes and looked down kinda sad Steven said "She said ya" and he hung up I kissed Iseah (Her bby) on the head and smiled at him then I heard a knock on the door Steven went to open it and it was Melissa (Steven's gf) they hugged and she looked at me and came up to me she kissed my cheek and said "Hi" wow she is caring I smiled and said it back she said "Can I carry him?" I gave her my bby and she said "He's so cute" I said "Thanx" she said "Steven I need to talk to u alone" and they both went outside.
(Steven's POV)
Melissa said "We need to break up" I said "No why?" she said "Jackie needs u, u guy's made a child" I stayed quiet looking down I love her but I love Jay too.

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