Obligatory art class, because it will be fun

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"I still can't believe you dragged me here," Bria pouted. "Art classes are for humans."

"It will be fun, Bria," said Scarlet. "Just give it a chance." She sat the siren down at an easel and brought her some watercolor paints.

"What is this?" Bria demanded.

"It's watercolor." Scarlet dipped her brush in the water and dragged it through the paint. She grabbed Bria's hand, wincing slightly at how cold and wet it felt. Their intertwined fingers began to steam gently, an intersection between fire and water. Scarlet painted a bright red streak on Bria's pale blue arm. Ze shrieked in delight.

"I knew you would like it."

Bria picked up zir own brush and paints. "It's water paint!"

"That's what I told you," Scarlet laughed.

Bria began to lay down layer after layer of bright colors. The class hadn't even started, and ze had covered her entire paper. It was wrinkled and soggy, dripping muddy colors on the floor.

Bria frowned at zir work. And then ze began to hum softly. The water dripping down the paper reversed its journey. Bria's voice commanded the water to carry the pigments across the paper, and an image began to appear. Two figures, hands clasped. A girl of fire and one of water.

(I made Bria's pronouns ze/zir for fun, because I love them, and they are underused.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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