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Spinach invited me to sit with her in lunch. And I promised her to sit with her.

After my morning sessions I went to the cafeteria and looked where she sits. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her.

Few minutes later she called me when she entered the cafeteria. So all this time I struggled finding her even though she isn't even there. I feel stupid.

Spinach: Hey there, Herb! Sorry for keeping you waiting!

Herb: It's okay....hehe...

Spinach: Let's go sit anywhere you like!

Herb: Oh, any seat is fine unless it's uncomfortable.

Spinach: Over there! I liked that seat! Come! Follow me!

Then I followed her.

Spinach: Did you packed something for lunch?

Herb: Ugh, I was such in a hurry and I forgot to bring lunch!

Spinach: Don't worry! The cafeteria serves food!

Then I went to the place where they serve food.

After that I went back to the table.

Herb: Why haven't you started yet?

Spinach: I can't start because you haven't started yet and I think it's unfair if I started and you are still getting food.

Herb: No, no, no. It's fine. Eat whenever you need or want.

Spinach: No, I just said that I think it's unfair. You can't change my mind about that.

And I just let her be.

Spinach: I better see some healthy food in you're meal. You don't wanna be sick, do you?

Herb: Of course not! And there are healthy food in my meal.

Spinach smiled at me.

Herb: So, what school year are you in?

Spinach: I'm in 3rd year in high-school now.

Herb: Me too. But we're in a different room or section, right?

Spinach: Yeah... But you don't have to worry! We can still talk to each other! Who says we can't?

Then I smiled at her. And she smiled back to me.

Spinach: Wanna help me clean and put books in the shelf later in the library, after school?

Herb: Sure!

Spinach: Thank you! I appreciate it.

Then I smiled for no reason.

Spinach: Oh by the way, can we sit in lunch together so we can talk about some of our experiences sometime? We can start now or later or tomorrow.

Herb: Okay! No problem!

Then we went on to finish our meal.

Chapter 3 soon.

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