A Tiring Day at Work

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I get inside, and I get looks from customers.
Spongebob rushes out of the kitchen.
"Squidward! What happened to you??" Spongeboob shrieks gayly.

"I crashed my bike.." I say, as I put on my employee hat.
"Oh my Neptune! We'd better bandage you up!" Sponge says, and I sigh.
I'd better get myself cleaned up, cant have Krabs bitching at me for this.
"Alright." I say as spongebob brings me to the bathroom to clean myself up.

~○Time skip○~

It's almost midnight, and since I'm done cleaning, I decide to lock the doors, and head out.

I take my broken bike parts, and walk back home, sadly.
At least I got my favourite Earl Grey tea to have at home.

I begin to daydream about having a nice cup of tea, reading my favourite book, snuggled up in bed next to Plankton.

I shake my head, embarrassed.
I know I can't have him he's a married man and he's only kind to me for the formula.
I must never let him know I have feelings for him.

I open my door, close it behind me, and place my bike parts by the door.
"Squidward!" I jump, and look behind me startled.
Its Spongebob.

"Hello Spongebob." I say monotonously.
"I decided to come over and fix your bike!" Spongebob says, and I sigh, in anger.
"Oh no! you aren't touching my bike! I'm going to fix it tomorrow." I say.
"C'mon Squidward! its not like i can make it any worse, plus I have an experience with fixing bikes and other vehicles!" He tells me.
All i can think is, how the fuck does this square know mechanics, but can't drive a fucking car.

"Ugh, I guess, but don't stay too late." I say, before making some Earl Grey tea.

I sit down on the couch with tea and a book.
I began reading, and a couple hours go by.

~○Time skip○~

I peek just above my book at spongebob, working hard on the bike.
suddenly, he was sweating, and had no shirt on, and was a bit dirty.
He is annoying and all, but he had some nice rock hard abs.
For a sponge, he was ripped, and I don't deny my attraction to him.

He catches me staring with a glance and our eyes meet, I immediately lift my book back up and continue reading.

"Should be almost done Squidward, just a few tweaks and it will be good as new!" Spongebob says

"A-Alright, thanks Spongebob.." I say, with a slight and subtle stutter, continuing to read, but then realizing I have no more tea.

"I'm going to make more tea, would you like some?" I ask, and Spongebob bolts up a bit, happily.

"Well sure! How can I say no?" He asks and I blush a bit. I gladly get up and make us both some tea.

I brew the tea, as well as I can, since its all I can pay SpongeBob back with right now.

I pour the tea into two cups for him and I, and bring it to the table, as well as some sugar, and milk.

"Here you go, Spongebob." I say, placing his infront of his seat, and placing the other things down.
He happily sits down, as do I.

"Oh! Silly me, would you like a scone? or maybe a jelly sandwich?" I ask, politely.

"Sure! I'd love a jelly sandwich!" Spongebob says, with the brightest smile, and I can't help but blush, and smile back.

I go to make him a jelly sandwich just how he likes it.
Usually I want to rip him apart because of his annoyingness, but for some reason, he doesn't seem so annoying, and I don't feel like doing that.

I give him his sandwich, on one of my pretty plates, and smile.
We start talking, reminiscing, mostly about stuff Krabs did, and laughing together.

It's now, that I realize, SpongeBob is only so "annoying" towards me, because he likes me, and loves me for being there, and being his friend.
"I hope you enjoying your jelly sandwich and tea SpongeBob!" I say, with some enthusiasm for once.

"Mm! This tea is the best I ever had, and this jelly sandwich is amazing, thank you Squidward!" Spongebob says with that smile again, and I blush.

We spend the rest of the night talking, and enjoying eachothers company, before he has to go.

"Thanks again, Squiddy! I really enjoyed spending time with you today." He says, and I nod.
"M-Me too Spongebob, and thanks for fixing my bike." I say, grateful to him.
"No problem, anything for a friend!" He says, before leaving, and walking to his pineapple.

○° T o B e C o n t i n u e d °○

♡ Enemies to Lovers ♡ plankton x squidward ♡ A Spongebob Squarepants Fanfic ♡ Where stories live. Discover now