cyborg ninja

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Mikhail is seen looking out a window into the miles of land in the wrath ring and watches with little emotion as another group of imps are hauled off to a prison camp, a solider walks into the room and hand Mikhail a report on their scouting operations in and around the I.M.P building and that they have found nothing. 

Mikhail: so, they disappeared...

solider: yes sir it was obvious as the armory was empty and their other facilities were empty

Mikhail: i want every facility and building destroyed and anyone associated killed

solider: yes sir

Mikhail: and make sure a message is sent

Mikhail gives a grin that makes the solider shake in fear, he nods and goes to leave

Mikhail: and one more thing...

solider: y-yes s-s-sir

Mikhail: make as many civilian casualty's as possible.


michael: so your some kind of space samurai or knight or something 

luke:  that's a way to describe it

michael:  anyway  the reason im here is that i believe you would be able to help us in defeating a evil man who wants nothing more than the total extermination of a realm's population

luke: so the same situation that happened in my galaxy

michael: from what you've told me yeah

luke: i guess i could help

michael: cool i will go get everyone else and we will teleport to the next universe

luke: wait you travel universes

michael: yeah all thanks to this map and mad scientist over there

richtofen: im not mad or insane im a genius!

5 minutes later

everyone is together and getting ready to teleport and as they do teleport they arrive in denver and immediatly feel something wrong.

michael: wait does anyone else feel watched

just then 2 police officers with armor and stun batons appear. 

police officer 1: stop right there

samuel: shit not 5 seconds in another universe and police are already on us

there is a sudden blue flash and a loud cutting sound and the 2 police offers fall to pieces and reveal a white haired human/cyborg wielding a sword.

? who are you?

before michael could speak blitzo cut him off

blitzo: alright you do all of the speaking it my turn... im blitzo the "o" is silent nice to meet you

?: im raiden

blitzo: well raiden you look like you could be alot of help 

raiden: how so?

blitzo: well as you can see there is alot of us and we are battleing to take down some evil russian bastard so what do you say?

raiden: what exectly does this russian do?

blitzo: he kills innocents

raiden: im in

michael: cool  i think our numbers are good we should return to hell and plot our attack

the final warWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt