for whom the bell tolls

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michael is sitting in his personal quarters preparing for battle looking at his m1 helmet talking to himself

michael: well this might be my last ride but if so, let it be a good one

loona: michael we are ready to go

michael: alright im coming

loona: you ok?

michael: yeah but i think this could be my final battle but i must tell you that i will make sure you and everyone else will make it out alive as for me i might not

loona: dont say that you survived worse

michael: not something this big, vietnam was one thing  but this is all out warfare 

loona: but our numbers are superior

michael: in the grand scheme of things it doesnt mean shit, a quote from erwin rommel puts it perfectly "In a man-to-man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine."

loona: you really like useing historical quotes

michael: just a thing i like to do

loona: we should get going

michael: yeah

suddenly samuel bursts into the room

samuel: what can i do?

michael: nothing you need to go back home and wait for this to all go away or go wait at stolases palace or something, you and octavia are good friends anyways

samuel: i cant just stand by and watch a battle that could get you killed

michael: you arent going and thats final!

samuel: you know what fine go ahead but i  wanted to help

he walks out

michael: god i try to stop him but i swear if he doesnt listen this time im gonna- 

loona: its fine he wont do anything

michael: anyways lets go get loaded up and ready for battle

*meanwhile with mikhail*

mikhail: so anything to report

spy: yes they are readying for battle

mikhail: tell the commander to rally the troops and fortify quickly

spy: yes sir

stella: so whats going on?

mikhail: your former husband stolas and the others are about to assult our fortified town turned compound

stella: what shall we do

mikhail: dont worry i have a plan if we cant hold them off, follow me

stella follows mikhail to the basement of the main compound and he reveals a nuclear bomb


mikhail: a nuke a hydrogen bomb to be exact enough to set this ring back to the stone age.

stella: isnt this abit overboard

mikhail: nothing will keep us from ruleling this realm we and our associates will rule over this land.

*back with michael*

michael over the radio to everyone: alright listen up i need everyone to battlestations we are leaving in 15

as michael was about to leave he sees reznov

reznov: sorry for missing the meeting earlier, where can i help

michael: you will join me and a few others in the helicopters


michael: alright im going to go meet with everyone

*14 minutes later*

michael: alright everyone load up

after all units get ready the bombers take off the tanks leave the base and the f-14s take flight and so do the choppers

30 minutes later

the b-52s have sucessfully bombed out mikhails compound and now the invasion begins.

*only watch till about 3:02 so it will make sense*

michael: ok everyone out of the chopper  we are infiltrating. blitzo hows the sky

blitzo: would be great if not for the enemy fighters

michael: ok keep shootin'em down we are infiltrating now, moxxie whats going on where your at

moxxie: the army is engaged in fierce fighting outside the compound walls but were pushing back

michael: ok, attack choppers i need you to support ground forces outside the city

radio: ok

michael: alright mason and you guys go look for intel im going for the main building

michael enterd the main hall of the compound and saw vanny blocking the way with a knife

michael: how stupid are you you brought a fuckin knife goddamn you are dumb

he then just simply shoots her and continues if not for another blocking his way springtrap

michael: wow you too idnt anticipate our spys in your base and again simply takes a grenade and throws it in springtraps suit just to find senator armstrong,sundowner and monsoon blocking his way again

michael: finally a challenge

first up was monsoon

michael: come at me!

monsoon charged but was not expecting michael to throw a grenade just right so it landed in him as he tried to dodge by seperating his body

monsoon: what have you done

michael: a little trolling

monsoon explodes leaving only his legs where he once was

next was sundowner

michael had heard of him from stolases spies but didnt know much but did know he loved war and was easily blinded by his warmongering self michael thinking quick throws a smoke grenade and blinds sundowner long enough to get behind him and hack his cybernetic enhancements

sundowner: what the- hey how are you doing that

michael: simple i took control of your mainframe, aaaaand self destruct initiated

sundowner: no no no nooooooooo*dies*

senator armstrong: alright you might think you can beat all of us but not me

michael: who said i was alone?... sam!

jetstream sam: hello senator

armstrong: you traitor i trusted you

sam: big mistake

armstrong: you cant kill me i have nanomachines

michael gets on radio:hey strike team have you infiltrated the flank yet

dempsey: right here

dempsey holds the wuderwaffe DG-2 to armstrongs back

dempsey: i can fry your fuckin nanomachines maggot sack


richtofen: alright you would make quite the experiment armstrong

armstrong: go to hell

richtofen: well that doent make much sense we are already here

michael: you guys hold him here i got buisness to attend to

to be continued...

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