When you text/call him Tony

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It was the weekend and you got to know Tony a little better he would visit you at your desk or come into peppers office. You where watching T.V seeing tony's announcing a new weapon. You watched the whole presentation and you just keep staring at him thinking how cute he was in his ironman suit. You were a fan yes but also a fan of the tech he use you wanted to see how he build it but could never asked being to shy. Once the program was over you decided to text him you didn't want to bug him during the week so the weekend must be less busy for him right? You whipped out your phone and texted him.

Y/n: Hey tony its y/n from work.

You waited for a couple mins before your phone vibrated.

Tony: Hey beautiful you finally decided to text me been waiting all week.

Y/n: I'm sorry i didn't want to bother you when your busy but i saw your announcement on T.V and i love the suit very nice my favourite colours you look good in it.

Tony: Thanks babe wanna go for a ride?

Y/n: Really? I would love too.

Tony: Good because I'm outside your bedroom window.

You ran to your bedroom and there he was in his ironman suit floating there you looked at him in awe and he threw his mask back. He held out his hand and you grabbed it he wrapped his other arm around your waist and you blushed a deep red. "You extremely cute when you blush did you know that?" He says smiling at you and winked. His mask went down and you held on for your life as your legs let go of you window sill. He gripped you harder and held you close. "Are you ready hold on tight!" You both shot up into the air and around the city. Smiling you were glad you texted him best flight ever. XD

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