First kiss Clint (hawkeye)

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                 It was late and you were home alone again.......... Grounded. Yes you life with your parents and even though your only just (Your age) you can't live off your salary alone in New York City. Anyway staring at the ceiling bored out of your mind with no way to talk to any of your friends or Clint for that matter you felt stuck, so you just lie there waiting for something to happen. 

Tap............Tap.........Tap .......... 

                 "What was that?" you thought out loud getting up and looking around your room, Then hearing it again in the direction of your window. You look over and slowly move over to your window. Looking out of the window you see nothing and close your eyes in relief, You open them back up and see a black figure in your window that wasn't there 2 seconds ago your jump back a scream. 

                   "AHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh my god you should have seen your face." You hear a familiar voice say as you look up to see clint sitting on your window sill laughing his ass off. "WHAT THE HELL CLINT?" You yelled as you turned around and huffed. "Awe come on babe it was funny." he said between chuckles, you turned around and growled "Was not I could of hurt you or something!" You crossed your arms and turned around again making it clear you were mad at him for his little "joke." You jumped slightly as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind you and him whisper in your ear and say"Alright I'm sorry." you turned around in his arms and before you could do or say anything he kissed your lips. You both parted for air and he backed away to the window "Till again my princess. Oh by the way you could never hurt me." You ran to the window and looked all around but he was gone. Snapping out of the thoughts you hear your parents open the front door and decided to get some sleep. You lied their think about your first kiss with clint over and over again feeling his lips still on your and soon enough you drifted off the sleep. 

Hope you all enjoyed that i have about 100 chapters in mind now just need to right them out so get exited people!!!!!!!!

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