sudden awakenings

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Matt was suddenly woken up when a foot collided with his calf. He grumbled into his pillow. Except... it wasn't his pillow.   

"Gus..." He complained, softly kicking the boy back.
There was no response, only heavy breathing.
Matt rolled over to look his friend in the eyes, but Gus wasn't awake.
Gus's eyebrows were knit together, his eyes squeezed shut harshly. His knuckles were white from gripping the blanket as he tossed and turned in discomfort.
Matt rubbed the sleep from his eyes, reaching over to the boy's shoulders.
"Gus..." He shook him softly, but Gus was still submerged in whatever dream he was having.
"Gus!" He shook harder. Suddenly Gus shot up, gasping.
Matt dodged the boy, making sure they didn't smash heads.
"You okay-" He asked, but of course he wasn't. Gus was hyperventilating, and when Matt got a better view of his face he realized tears were streaming out of the boy's eyes.
"Hey, calm down. It was just a dream," Matt grabbed Gus's shoulders, slightly pulling him into a hug. Gus collapsed onto Matt, shaking violently.
Since when did he have nightmares? He's always fine at school...
Matt whispered the best comforting words he could come up with. He was the younger sibling out of him and his brother, so he's never comforted someone. And even so, he barely ever got nightmares so he didn't even know what helped him calm down.
Gus's breathing slowed down, and he stopped crying. Matt's eyes were getting heavy, and he just wished he could go back to sleep again.
Gus crawled back under the blankets, still shaking violently. Matt followed, climbing in next to him and turning the other way.
Suddenly, something pulled his sleeve gently. He turned around to Gus looking at him with pleading eyes. He wasn't sure what that meant.
Reluctantly, he scooted closer to Gus, wrapping an arm gently around his torso. Gus sighed, sliding his arm under Matt's waist.
Matt smiled. Why was he enjoying this? He nuzzled deeper into Gus's neck, and Gus hummed happily. The boy was still shaking, and his breathing was still uneven. Matt rubbed up and down his arm subconsciously.
"T-thanks," Gus whispered.
"No problem," Matt whispered back.

— —

Gus woke up from the sun shining in his eyes. He yawned, stretching out his legs. He looked down to where Mattholomule was laying on his chest.
Matt had both arms wrapped around him now, and their legs were intertwined. He was quietly snoring, the soft sunlight from the window streaming across his face.
Gus's face warmed up, he never realized how pretty Matt was.

Pretty? Mattholomule? They were just friends. Nothing more.
Gus looked at the clock and his eyes widened. He was supposed to wake up ten minutes ago! Shit.
"Matty!" He shook the boy awake.
"Ughh... what?" Matt grumbled into his shirt. Again, his cheeks turned bright red.
"We're going to be late!" He shook harder.
"Oh my titan, stop shaking me!" Matty rubbed his eyes, sitting up onto his elbows.
"Let's go! Hurry up, slow-poke!" Gus got up, grabbing his uniform from his dresser and rushing out the door.
Mattholomule slowly got up and stretched. He fell asleep in his day clothes (he changed before he left), thinking he wasn't actually going to fall asleep. Especially not on Gus's chest. His ears burned, he couldn't believe he did that.
Gus rushed back into the room, "Why aren't you changed?"
Oh shit.
"I- left my uniform at home..." Matt said. Of course he did! He thought he would go back before the sun even rose!
Gus groaned in return.
"Whatever, your house is on the way to school, right?"
Matt nodded.
"Then we'll stop on the way," He grabbed Matt's hand, rushing downstairs.
Gus reached for the door handle before pausing, "Wait..."
He rushed into the living room where his father, Perry Porter, was sleeping on the couch.
He grabbed a blanket and draped it over Perry before gently taking the glasses of his face. He placed them down on the table and then kissed his dad's forehead.
"Morning, dad," He smiled before rushing towards the door.
Okay, that was really cute. Mattholomule blushed as Gus grabbed his wrist again, pulling him out the door.

— —

They walk up to Matt's house, and Matt gulped. Hopefully his parents were asleep.
"I can come in-" Gus offered.
"No!" Matt cuts him off. "It's fine, I'll be really quick."
He walks up to the door, quietly opening it.
All the way from the street Gus hears the yelling. Most likely Matt's mom and dad. He watches as Mattholomule sneaks into the house, closing the door behind him.
Gus waits about two minutes before the door opens again, but it's not Matt behind it.
"Who are you?" A woman asks, most likely Mattholomule's mom. She has light brown bangs, and she's decently short. She has bags under her eyes, like Matt.
"Erm... Gus," Gus smiled, waving shyly.
"What do you want?"
"Uhm... I'm waiting for Matty- Mattholomule. I'm waiting for Mattholomule."
"Mattholomule has friends?" She furrowed her eyebrows. What kind of parents are these?
"He's just my study partner," Matt's voice rang from behind his mom. She turned around as he slipped out onto the porch.

"He's walking me to school so we can talk about the project."
She glared at him, "You know the ru-"
"Yeah, I know. Well, now you've met him," He walks down the stairs. "C'mon."
Matt grabbed Gus's arm, walking away from the house and away from his mom.

— —

Word count: 924 words

chapter 2 omg it's so short T-T
I'm sorry I'll try and make them longer

but istg Gus is so wholesome and his relationship with his father is just <3333
I love him sm aa

(extra space so you don't accidentally scroll to an add)

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