Chapter 2

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"Yes. wait do you know him or something." I asked as I glared at him

"Yes. we meet before but we are...enemy's. he killed my people my warriors and yet the little ender kits. He's crazy and insanity."

"Why did he do all of that?" I asked

"Because. I killed his brother."

As he said that my eyes widen and I was in shocked that know I understand why Enderlox was so upset. but. I'm with the enemy. " oh uh...okay."

"But know since you know about this. I'm gonna have to kill you."

I stayed there.



I looked behind me and see that another ender cat came yelling the leaders name. I think.

"Endyzcat. sir we need you there's a problem down at the tall tree. we need you now" the ender cat said.

"...okay I'll be there in a second..."

He looked at me and glared into my eyes

"If I ever see you around my territory I'll kill you as soon as I can. now leave! you just got lucky there." Zcat said as he ran down to the tall tree. I look at the river and grabbed some fish then ran back into the trees and was heading back home. on the way I was rethinking about Zcat saying that he's the one who killed enderscar. I wonder if I should tell withermu about this or not. Maybe I'll just keep this to myself.

I made it back home and went upstairs to Enderlox's door and knock. " Enderlox I have something for you. Please open the door." I said but he didn't open the door. I just put the fish under the door then went back downstairs. "Withermu what in the world are yo-" he shout my mouth up covering it with his hand.

"Shhhhhh. There's something in the bedroom for you" withermu whispers as he try's not to smirk by bitting his lip.

I looked at him as my face started to get I little red. withermu rapped his tail around my lag. I blushed a little.

"Just go...there's something I need to show you."

I pushed him away and he fell on the floor as I walked over to him and got on top of him. "hey withermu. I need to tell you something."

"What is it skybrine" withermu smirks

I went to Withermu's ear and said "I DON'T CARE!!!"

"AAGHH!" Withermu pushed me away and covered his ear that I yelled in. "What the hell was that for!" He yelled at me.

"Hee-he that was so you cloud snap out of it. I knew what you wanted." I blushed a little but laughed.

Withermu got up and looked at me. "I'll get you back." Withermu growled.

"Yeah okay have fun with that." I laughed until Withermu got on top of me again and kissed me on the cheek.

"I hate you." withermu said then got off and went back in the kitchen. I had know idea what just happened. Did he just kiss me on the cheek. I wonder if he's okay or something.

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