I Thank You

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I thank you.

For Encouraging me.

You have helped me see.

What more I can do.

I thank you.

For Supporting me.

Even when you are busy.

You stay true.

I thank you.

For sharing  your wisdom and love.

I have learned not to push and shove.

With you, I keep learning something new.

I thank you.

For your criticism and gentle smiles.

With you I have written miles.

Through it all, I grew.

I thank you.

For Blessing me.

Together we will fly free.

In the sky of many hues.

I thank you.

For Loving me.

We might not always agree.

But, I Love you too.

This poem was written for everyone who supports me in any way, now and in the future.

I appreciate you.

Thank - You. 

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