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The words we speak,

Whether a shout or a squeak.

Can cause harm,

I am pulling an alarm.


Hurtful, negative, evil.

Not just the words alone.

Also the attitude we use.

Are like venom from a snake.



The words we speak,

Whether a shout or a squeak.

Can cause harm,

I am pulling an alarm.


Hurtful, negative, evil.

Calling someone ugly.

Calling someone stupid.

Is like venom from a snake.



The words we speak,

Whether a shout or a squeak.

Can cause harm,

I am pulling an alarm.


Hurtful, negative, evil.

Telling someone to stop dreaming.

Telling someone they will never be good enough.

Is like venom from a snake.



The words we speak,

Whether a shout or a squeak.

Can cause harm,

I am pulling an alarm.


Hurtful, negative, evil.

Even if we don't say it.

Even if we just think it.

It is like venom from a snake.


Tears; Joy and SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now