chapter 2

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Author's pov.
After fang left boboiboy went to sit with his friends that's when Yaya hit the back of his head

Boboiboy: what was that for ?
Yaya: seriously you're asking me that
Boboiboy: yeah !
Yaya: you shouldn't have done that
Ying: yeah boboiboy you could've pour your food in his head not only the juice
Boboiboy: oh! So that's what it is next time I'll keep that in mind
Yaya: there's no next time you're going to apologiez to him
Boboiboy: why should I apologiez to freak like him
Yaya: forget it, it's a waste of my time by trying to make you understand that those things you say can hurt people
Gopal: ok ok enough ! Let's eat coz I'm hungry
Ying: you're always hungry gopal

Meanwhile with fang

Fang's pov.
After taking a little nap now I'm feeling better . I guess my PTSD just got worse these days I should really go to a doctor "sigh". Let's book an appointment, I called on my usual clinic and book my appointment for tomorrow and it's on 6pm . Then I took my guitar and started playing a song on it .

Time skip by Fang's favorite carrot donuts

After few hours of playing with guitar (that's me I'm obsessed with my guitar once I start playing with it I don't notice the time) which seem to clam me down . I checked the time and it says 5pm now, wow did I just time travele or something anyways who cares I should eat something then take meds and sleep I seriously don't feel good .

Once again time skip
The next day

Boboiboy's pov.
I woke up to ochobot (I hope it's the right spelling) screaming at me well it's not new it's his morning routine as I don't wake up then get late for school

Boboiboy: I'm up ochobot clam down
Ochobot: do you know what time it is
Boboiboy: what?
Ochobot: it's almost 7am
Ochobot: I did tried but you weren't walking up 😑

Well after almost a world war 3 boboiboy got ready went to school he wasn't late for school as he turned into thunderstorm .

Again bbb's pov.
Phew ! I'm not late for school otherwise Yaya would've punished so hard . Well right now I'm trying to find fang , my day won't be better if don't see and annoy him . But it seems to me that he didn't came, wth! he never miss school then why today is he mad at me or something , maybe Yaya was right I should've apologized to him . Whoa wait why does it matter to me if he doesn't come to school . (An: because you're in love with him you idiot)
I went to my class to see fang sitting in corner . Seeing him brought a smile to my face , thank goodness he isn't angry with me what was I supposed to do without hearing his deep voice ugh he's so handsome his red eyes -  wait what am I thinking I hate him right ? Yeah I hate him .

End of boboiboy's pov.

Author's pov.
School went normal for everyone even for fang as boboiboy didn't bother him today who knows why? well right now it's 5:30pm and almost time for Fang's appointment . He was on his way to the clinic when boboiboy and his gang noticed him .

Ying: where do you think that freak is going ?
Gopal: no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ .
Ying: should we follow him ? Then maybe we could get to know some embarrassing moment about him
Boboiboy: yeah that would be great
Yaya: I don't think it's a good idea
Ying: o come on Yaya don't be such a bomer, Let's go
Yaya: ugh ! Fine

They started to follow fang and ended up in front of a psychiatrist clinic

Boboiboy: what is he doing here ?
Ying: no idea, maybe trying to get his stupid head a shake.
Yaya: I think we should we should go and talk to the doctor
Ying: yeah for now let's wait

After sometime when fang left they went inside to talk to the doctor

Doctor : yes , how may I help you
Boboiboy: can you tell us why the boy was here, I mean what's wrong with him
Doctor : and why should I tell you that who are you to him
Yaya: we're his friends .
Doctor: o I see , sit I'll tell . You see three years ago one of Fang's close friend died and you can he blames himself for it
Gopal: wait died? But we are all alive
Ying: sheesh it must be from his previous school
Doctor : maybe that's why you don't know coz he doesn't like to talk about that . Well fang blames himself for her death because he was only one there at that moment and no one else and it left him in trauma other than this  his parents died when he was just a kid and after their death his brother became rude towards him . Start to abuse him get angry on him in little things . I hope you guys understand what I mean , and right now fang was here because he have been feeling so bad these and looks like PTSD has gotten worse . Please I'm begging you all take care of him other wise it will hard for me to save your friend .

Boboiboy: what ! What do you mean by that
Doctor: usually PTSD  suffering people's start to harm themselves to a point from where it's hard to save them
Yaya: we get it ma'am ! We'll do our best

They left from their thinking what to do Yaya was concerned about fang. But the other three weren't it was like they got a new thing to tease fang with but little do they that their this teasing might coz something big which they will regret later .

An: that's it for today hope you guys will like it and yeah I don't know much about ptsd but being a psychology student I know a little about it . So if there's any mistake please forgive me for that . For now byeee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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