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The most dangerous monsters are those who hide behind a mask of kindness. The monster your parents warn you. The one that lurks on the streets waiting to ambush innocent girls, he's rarely who assaults us. He can be one of our classmates, a friend, or even our boyfriend or a relative.

Monsters can hurt us because they know we don't suspect them. They take advantage of our trust and stab us on the back; neither our screams nor our cries could stop them. Maybe that was the problem. When the monster found me I froze. I didn't scream. I didn't even cry for help.

Even when we muster the courage to tell what happened to us, nobody believes us; girls scream rape and the world simply isolates us. Who would believe me if I told the truth? I don't even know if what happened to me can be considered a crime.

He doesn't seem to care about what he did to me either.

The masks they use remain perfect but when they hurt us, it falls off. They're not the perfect boyfriend, the successful businessman, the reputable politician or the hardworking father anymore. We've seen the side of them they hide from everyone else. They always end up showing their true colors but they rarely receive the punishment they deserve. We are the ones who are punished for going to that party, for having too many drinks or for being high. We deserve to be punished for being prostitutes, because we were dressed inappropriately or because we had too many sexual partners.

You were asking for it.

It's quite impressive how society has the power to determine if our words are enough. To beg for empathy only to receive insults because, according to them, we aren't worthy. We're nothing more than liars who are seeking attention. As if someone actually wanted to be known for being raped

The worst part is reliving it. That moment in which we're alone in the dark and, in a flash, the monster corners us again. His claws sink into our skin just like the first time. We open our eyes and we know it was just a nightmare but it keeps going even when we're wide awake. Sometimes nightmares are part of our reality.

The monsters never leave us. And on top of that, we have to deal with a society that blames us for ruining the lives of those they deem as good men. Those so-called reputable men walk between us and they keep hurting innocent girls, but we're the ones who lie.


To girlhood


Trigger Warnings:


Eating disorders


Sexual Themes

Institutionalized Discrimination


Underage drinking

Mild drug use


Author's note: Hello, my name is Iliana and this is Unbridled Girls, a new version of my very first attempt at writing a book that was never finished. I promise to actually finish it this time. I must warn everyone that this book contains sensitive material that may be hard for some of you. Beware. Also, would love to read your thoughts about the story and characters and please take into consideration that English is my second language so there might be some grammar mistakes.

Unbridled GirlsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz