Separating the party.

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Looking around everything seemed like a fantasy where everyone here was in harmony but in these cases there is always more to it. It's dangerous going to places like this not doing your research and that's how Hope felt right in this moment looking on as she sat next to Lizzie in this camp. The leader she thought her name is to believed to be Andi was taking through some things with another cult member. The issue was the Tribrid couldn't hear what they were saying with her supernatural hearing not working like it should.

Lizzie was trying her best to get Hope's attention but it was like the Tribrid was in her own little word where it was just rainbows and tooth fairy's. "Bitch if you don't listen to me now...." The blonde says with Hope reacting showing her golden eyes In return. "Can you cut it out for one moment Lizzie, I need to listen to what they are saying but it I can't do that if you are after my attention constantly".

Lizzie rolled her eyes and went to say something but one of the girls in the seat infront started looking back with a curious smile which concerned both Hope and Lizzie who were trying to mind their own business and talk amongst themselves. In union they both smiled back in a sarcastic way as they just wanted to get this awkward encounter over with.

Eventually the girl looked away and it gave Lizzie the chance to try provoke her point across. "All I'm saying is Hope that this is a witch camp so I imagine vampires ain't supposed to be able to use their full abilities. Now you need to just trust the process and believe not everything is going to try to kill your" Hope listened and knew that Lizzie was right which she would never like to admit though there was sometimes she had to let the blonde twin have her moment.

"Okay I'm trusting you but I don't really know what I'm expecting here, I mean what exactly are we going to be doing here" Hope questioned Lizzie thinking for some reason she might know the answer but was met by the presence of Andi who seemed as calm and welcoming than ever. "I'm so glad you asked that, why don't you come up and be the first of you and friend to experience how you can feel so easily at harmony here?". The leader had finished taking and it gave Hope plenty to think about.

Hope got out from her seat and made her way with Andi to the front. The Tribrid would be lying if she said that she wasn't nervous for any of what was to come. There was something about Andi's aura that made her want to follow and she didn't really think much else of it. "Now these sessions are one and one so I can really help with any built up emotions you might be having. Do you accept the invitation to come with me?".

Lizzie watched on from her seat as Hope nodded her head and started to follow Andi out the tent. Now she was the one was starting to panic a little as she was worried for Hope. She didn't want to get her into trouble after she was the one who had brought her here in the first place. Despite the little bit of panic Lizzie stayed put for now just incase it wasn't indeed nothing going on.

~ Andi's tent ~

Hope had followed Andi inside and was looking around to see candles, big comfy seats and so unsual objects she didn't really recognise but that wasn't for her to ponder on. "Please take a seat, can I help you to a cup of herbal tea?" Hope got asked and it had been a while since she had something to drink that wasn't blood. "Okay yeah I don't see why not". Andi had spiked Hope's drink with a drug that would make her feel really relaxed and help erase any concerns about this place.

The drink was given to her as she looked at Andi who sat down infront of her. Hope hesitated but eventually took a sip of her tea and found it was quite good so she took another before putting it down. "So what brings you here to our retreat.....Hope is it? I apologise if I got it wrong I just see a lot of new faces every day".

Hope only had one clear answer "I came here for my friend Lizzie. She talked about wanting a distraction and to find some stress free time away from what goes on. I thought I would come and support her as she does it". Andi nodded and observed Hope's body language as she felt maybe there was something else, another reason possibly for joining Lizzie here. "Do you think that you possibly came here for yourself aswell, I can see that there is something you might possibly holding back. It's a safe space so don't feel pressured to saying anything."

Andi was very good at this part of her work as she aimed to manipulate Hope into thinking she can really help and make sure that every girl that goes through the same experience comes out with same result. "Yes I feel like  there is possibly some things that I struggle to talk about and maybe unsure on so I guess I need to experience the same thing that Lizzie is has come here for too".

There was a touch of hands as the leader and the student were closer to each other now. "Okay let's have you finish your drink up and we can get started as I help to dive into what is holding you back". Hope done as she was told and finished the drink with most of the drug at the bottom of the tea. The Tribrid felt much more relaxed now her body language changing and there was no look of being on edge anymore.

The preparation was beginning and Andi smiles looking at Hope seeing how she was relaxing just like she had wanted her too. There was plans to keep Lizzie distracted with a presentation in the main tent while she focused on working on Hope. It was important to get her out the way first and she would require the most work and time. "Now why don't we start off with our first topic of conversation. Tell me about your relationship with Lizzie".

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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