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| Chongyun's room |

| 3rd person |
"Ahhhgggughh" xingqiu moaned. "I can't fucking sleep. Chongyuuuunnnn. Are you up" xingqiu rolled over on the carpeted floor that was scattered with pillows and blanket for him.

"Well I am now thanks to you" chongyun groaned in response. He tried to run his hands though his hair but rembered he put it up in a small ponytail and didn't wanna losen it.

"You wanna cuddle bro" xingqiu suggested, well, more of a plead. He looked up at chongyun but his hair was in his eyes so he could barley see the beautiful figure in front of him.

Chongyuns shirt was off somehow even though he went to sleep in it. He also had his hair up and though it messed up a bit, it was still hot asf.

"Omigod of course" chongyun scooted over closer to the wall and opened his blanket.

Xingqiu dragged himself over to chongyun bed and limped himself onto it. Chongyun picked up his blanket so xingqiu could crawl inside and hug him.

"Your bodys' so warm. Mmmhm" xingqiu groaned out as he cuddled chongyun closer.

"I starting to believe you do like me." chongyun pulled away from xingqiu for a bit.

"Well I'm not a lier, like you" xingqiu hummed.

"Shut up im not." Chongyun said as he stuffed his face into Xingqiu's hair, and pushed xingqiu into his chest.

The two boys fell asleep on top of eachother

The two boys fell asleep on top of eachother

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May 24, 2021

"Wake up dickhead" xingqiu called out to chongyun who was holding xingqiu in place.

"Mhmm" chongyun whimpered a bit in return. Xingqiu tried to push himself out of chongyun's embrace and moved his body all over while he sung out tired giggles and laughs.

"Chongyunnnn"he called out and pusffed up his checks when he gave up. I fake frown grew to his face as he played with chongyun's face. "Come on, its 5:40 I need a get dressed"

"Bro." Chongyun's hooded eyes found Xingqiu's annoyed expression. "School starts at seven chill"

"Stfu I have things to do" xingqiu shot back at him and chongyun finally let go now holding onto a pillow.

"only for a kiss" chongyun smirked. Xingqiu left without speaking, leaving the light blue haired boy to himself still cuddling with his replacement pillow. "Ok then. Damn."

𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 | 𝐜.  𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐧  𝐠. 𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐪𝐢𝐮 Where stories live. Discover now