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I know I'm extremely late to this trend but I've tried it and wanted to share it with you guys. And I just got my booster, so yeah. Tell what you here in the comments! Go to 0:55 if you want.


Let her go




Hannah go

In my head

This is what I think happened:

So, my name is Hannah and I'm Japanese because 'Onii-san' means 'older brother' in Japanese. I have an older brother whom I do not know the name of. I think my 'sensei' or 'teacher' kidnapped us, and my father was working with him. My brother was probably screaming "Let her go!". My brother or myself got me free because it says "Hannah go!" and I think my brother said that so I just ran. And then he probably was pronounced 'missing' or 'dead' and it still haunted me until I passed on because it says 'In my head'. So yeah, that's dark.

Let me tell you right now, in my present life, I am not Japanese. I am American Indian and I am not saying my name.

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