𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢

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Little! Yangyang (little age: 1)
Caregiver! Johnny

Plot: Yangyang gets chickenpox and gets really itchy and fussy, so Johnny tries to look after him the best he can, and gives him a bath to try and help his fever and itching, and gives him some milk to get him ready for his nap. (Goes nonverbal after his bath).

Request by @Yangiebub on AO3


Yangyang had been dealing with chickenpox since yesterday, and he woke up regressed and feeling awful. He was running a fever and was, of course, super itchy.

Most of NCT was busy, but Johnny stayed behind to help Yangyang. Johnny had given Yangyang his medicine without too much of a fight, and applied cream to his rashes. Johnny knew Yangyang would probably regress, and wanted to keep an eye on him so that he wouldn't irritate his skin. Most of the members were worried about getting mild chickenpox even though they were all vaccinated, but Johnny was extra careful about contamination, and he knew Yangyang just needed his daddy there for him.

Johnny was currently trying to get Yangyang to relax and play with his blocks to keep his hands busy, but Yangyang was being fussy.

"Come on baby, do you want to build a house with Daddy?" Johnny twirls Yangyang's hair, sighing.

To Johnny's offer, Yangyang whined loudly, tugging on his shirt and trying to scratch his skin. Getting frustrated and knocking down the blocks.

Johnny felt awful for Yangyang, it made him sad to see Yangyang so upset, especially when his headspace was such a young age. He wasn't totally non-verbal, but he was mainly blabbering incoherent sentences and making noises, rather than saying any real words.

Johnny checked the time and realized it was close to Yangyang's general nap time, thinking that sleep might help him a bit.

"Yangyang, angel, how about I run you a bath, yeah? I'll make you a bottle and put you down for your nap afterwards," Johnny says softly, holding Yangyang's hands.

Yangyang was close to tears, not fully registering what Johnny said, but pausing at the words, 'bath' and 'bottle'. He leaned towards Johnny slightly, tugging on the hem of his caregiver's shirt gently, muttering, "Bath- baba-"

Johnny smiled, lifting Yangyang as gently as he could, "Yeah baby? You want that?" He questions, earning quiet sniffles and a tiny 'yeah' in response.

Johnny quickly brought Yangyang with him to the little's bedroom, grabbing a soft, fleece pj set, bringing him to the bathroom after and setting him on the counter, starting to run the water.

Johnny made sure to add in Yangyang's favorite bath toys, leaving out bubbles to be as safe as possible with his baby's sensitive skin.

Once the bath was full and the water was a perfect temperature (that was fairly lukewarm), Johnny took Yangyang's clothes off, placing them to the side and lifting him into the water.

Yangyang was still sniffling and visibly trying not to cry. Johnny brushed his fingers through Yangyang's hair, pushing it out of his face and kissing his forehead, earning a tiny sob from Yangyang, "Huwt..." he mumbles.

"I know dear, I'm sorry. Daddy's trying to make you feel better okay? Daddy's trying to break your fever," Johnny reassures, grabbing a soft rag and dipping it in the water, gently patting Yangyang's back.

Yangyang hesitantly grabs a toy duck in the water, squeezing it and listening to the noise it makes, "Duckie," he giggles, starting to blabber about the 'duckies' and his daddy.

Johnny smiles widely, carefully pouring water on Yangyang's skin. "Lean your head back for me darling," Johnny says softly, cupping water and pouring it on Yangyang's hair once he leaned his head back.

Johnny could tell that Yangyang was starting to calm down; he was playing silently with the toy ducks, moving them around in the water.

Johnny lifted his hand to Yangyang's forehead, sighing in relief when he realized the little was no longer burning up, and his forehead was only mildly warm.

"Yangyang, let's get you out of the bath, yeah? I'll make you some warm milk," Johnny begins to drain the water, helping Yangyang take the ducks out of the water.

Once the water drained, Johnny lifted Yangyang up, resting the little on his lap and grabbing a soft towel, beginning to gently pat him dry.

Yangyang was clearly getting tired, and it was getting closer to his nap time. Johnny finished drying Yangyang and reapplied cream on his chickenpox, then changed him into his fluffy pjs, resting the little on his hip and walking to the kitchen.

Johnny quickly prepared warm milk for Yangyang, putting it in a bottle with a bit of sugar and vanilla extract stirred in. He tested it on his wrist, before smiling and handing it to Yangyang.

Yangyang stayed quiet, whimpering quietly and looking up at Johnny. "Aww, are you non-verbal, hun? You're such a cute baby~" he coos, bringing the nipple of the bottle to Yangyang's mouth, which the little eagerly began drinking from.

Johnny had dealt with Yangyang's babyspace a ton of times, especially when he wasn't feeling good, so this was nothing new for him. Johnny actually loved when Yangyang regressed to babyspace, because he usually got super clingy and dependent on Johnny.

Johnny brought Yangyang to his bedroom, sitting on the bed with the little in his lap, tilting the bottle more so that Yangyang could drink it easier.

Yangyang was content, he felt less feverish and the itch was calming down after his bath and the reapplication of the cream.

Johnny gently put Yangyang's favorite stuffie in his lap, "Your stuffie wants you to feel better baby, give him a hug, yeah? He's so worried about you."

Yangyang sleepily squeezed his stuffie, closing his eyes and leaning into Johnny's chest while finishing his bottle.

Once the bottle was empty, Johnny took it away from Yangyang's mouth, placing it on the bedside table, and laying the little in his bed, tucking him in.

Yangyang squeezes his stuffie tighter, looking up at Johnny with hooded eyes. "Get some sleep Yangyang," Johnny sits on the edge of the bed, playing with Yangyang's hair until he falls asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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