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She stood under the cold water, holding herself as the older woman washed her vigorously, the sting of the hard sponge licking her skin.

But the girl was numb, staring down at the red pouring down her legs, not fully registering the crisp feel of the water forcing her to shake.

It was all a blur, her face blank as her brain tried to register everything.





But never acceptance.

"Out," someone barked. The wrinkled hands that cleaned the girl left youthful skin without argument.

Vanessa didn't even move, her eyes fixed on the same stream of red.

Blood was all she knew.

The Director placed a hand on the girl's shoulder as she turned the shower off. Suddenly, the stream of red was gone, and in a moment, a towel was wrapped around her form.

Warmth, like a hug, reminded the girl of the cold. She finally registered the shivering body; the body she wished was still hers.

"Come now, Dear," The Director said gently, "you need some clothes."

The girl followed the guidance of the woman's arm, glancing haphazardly at the theatre's secrets. She spied a few young girls about her age, breaking in their new ballet shoes.

They stared coolly as she walked by, crumbs of water dripping from her hair.

The girl and Director entered a room, small, quaint. Not at all what you'd expect from a theatre, but it served its purpose. The Director opened a drawer, a couple of guns stowed away next to folded clothes. They were nothing extraordinary, but they too served their purpose.

She placed them on the bed, reaching for the towel around the girl's form, but paused when Vanessa gripped the towel tightly, "don't," she said only, fear and darkness in her eyes.

The Director stared at the girl for a moment, then stepped back, "be changed in eight minutes. I'll order some tea."

Vanessa pursed her lips, watching as the woman shut the door behind her,

her hand still tightly gripped on the towel.

Crown of Vipers - A John Wick FanFiction pt.IIWhere stories live. Discover now