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[Marilyn Manson - We Know Where you Fucking Live *** DARK IMAGERY***]


[Song fades in here]

Each pummel to the punching bag surged something dark in my body, riveting, shivers with the sweat.

The sweet taste of blood mixed with the salt of the sweat trickling down my hot skin.

Earbuds rested in my ears, playing what my soul felt.

And with each swing at the bag:

FIRE - my fist knocking the teeth out of a man's jaw -

FIRE - the blast of a gun -

FIRE - Splatters of blood -

FIRE - a knife through a heart -

AWAY from the Hotel was what I sought when Winston had purchased the apartment,

yet I couldn't go back to the house either.

And yet, I found myself using the premise gym. 


And the Hotel, nice and extravagant, filled with red-handed people,

like me,


I paused, taking a step from the bag. I'd been going on repeat for twenty minutes, non-stop, and if the clock hadn't told me, my burning knuckles would.

Pulling the towel from my shoulders, I wiped the sweat from my forehead,

then checked the time again, eager to leave and shower,

and to see her,

my girl.

A knock on the room's doorframe.

I turned suddenly, the towel gripped like a noose,

But I only saw the Charon.

I removed my earbuds and placed them in their case.

"Oh, hello Charon."

"Good afternoon, Ms. Hunt."


He continued, "The Manager has requested to see you- for a short moment, of course."

I nodded, "thank you. I'll be up in five."

Smiling faintly, the Charon nodded and exited the room.

I had reason to be on edge. With the events of the last few weeks, with my response to The Adjudicator, Volkov, and Wick...

There would certainly be trouble.

After rinsing and changing into some clean clothes, I headed upstairs to the Lobby, finding Winston once again with his nose in some paper.

I stood behind him and glanced at his files, before clearing my throat, "Winston."

He turned, nearly startled, "Vanessa dear, no need to creep around like that."

"Maybe you're just growing soft," I replied.

Winston smiled, reaching for a hug. I hesitantly took a half-step back, but stopped myself and embraced him awkwardly.

"I wanted to speak with you about that, actually. The apartment, I-"

"-right, thank you."


Winston's voice suddenly grew serious, and my heart skipped.

"I want you to stay at the hotel. I know you wanted your distance, and I've given it. But now with Wick going Excommunicado, and now your altercation with the Director causing an additional eruption, I cannot in my good conscience let you leave the premises."

Crossing my arms and resting my weight on one leg, "You know she wouldn't try anything."

Winston placed a hand on my shoulder, "just do it for your old man Vanessa."

"But, my dog-"

"I've already taken care of everything. She and your necessities will be brought over today."

I clicked my tongue, "you never-" then sighed, forcing his hand from my shoulder and storming off in no direction in particular.

Winston looked to the Charon, nodding his head in my direction. Understanding his wordless order, the Charon immediately dialed a number in the reception phone.

I tapped my foot on the floor, still in my gym clothes, while I waited for the elevator. No one could see the look on my face, the look of disdain, frustration, a flood of emotions. My eyes were wet, tears threatening.

Why hadn't I just failed with the Director? Maybe I could have... Just had some peace. 

"Ms. Hunt?" Charon's familiar voice said behind me.

I inhaled subtly, though deeply, blinking to suppress the tears.

I turned around halfway, holding my hand out for the key card. Charon placed it gently, and I muttered a "thank you" harshly, far from what I'd intended.

I watched slowly with my eyes as he wandered back to the reception. Something seething within, a strange hiss-like noise creeping silently from my lips.

My gaze wandered over the other patrons scurrying about, or lounging. I hated every one of them.


Fucking cowards.

Did any of them actually deserve any of this?

I pursed my lips, 


Just as the ding of the elevator rang, and just as the doors opened, a thought came to mind:

It will never end.

Crown of Vipers - A John Wick FanFiction pt.IIWhere stories live. Discover now