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   Aaliyah's POV:

I feel my phone buzz...

My alarm for 5:00 had been going off  playing "Just A Waste" by Pinkpantherss

I twist my head groaning at the music that played in my ears.. rubbing my face I sigh

I reach for my phone that was set under my pillow quickly tapping the stop button. I take my phone off the charger and put it on low power mode so that I can listen to music.

I quickly got up to take my morning shower. I made sure to make my bed before I set foot into my bathroom..

Fixing my blanket I shuffled my way into the bathroom looking at myself... "god I really do need to get in the shower" I thought to myself before stripping my clothes off, turning on the shower, and getting in

Feeling the hot water hit my skin I sighed making sure I was fully soaked in the water I grab my loofah. I run it through the water before grabbing Coconut dove body wash and putting a good amount on before starting to scrub my skin...

"Wait they don't have to see all this" she said rolling her eyes pushing the invisible camera away from her...

I hoped out the shower grabbing my robe and wrapping myself nicely in it before I grabbed my phone to go get dressed

I Lotion myself quick with my vanilla scented lotion and body oil. I wasn't wasting time spraying my coconut deodorant on.

I grab my bare vanilla body mist from Victoria secret (best thing ever btw) and spray myself down with generously.

I heard my phone go off a couple of times but I decided ignore it so that I could get dressed and not sit there on my bed for forever

Going into my closet I went to grab my first day outfit that I picked out the night before when I was on the phone with my man..

Going into my closet I went to grab my first day outfit that I picked out the night before when I was on the phone with my man

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The outfit ^

I was looking at myself in the mirror I looked really good I felt comfortable nothing too serious.

I slowly try taking off my bonnet without actually ripping out one of the rollers from my hair.

Did I decide to dye my hair red and do a sew in... YEAH I did and you would too if you look this good.

I slowly start to take out all the rollers. finger combing it before shaking my head up and down for some perfect not too deep curls...

 finger combing it before shaking my head up and down for some perfect not too deep curls

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The hair in question^

I quickly went to spray some perfume on. I grab my vanilla Billie Eilish and some random juicy couture perfume spraying it all over me before I grab my phone,charger,AirPods, and MacBook for school and make my way out my room and downstairs.

As I'm going down the stairs I can hear my sisters starting to get up and do whatever luckily I got downstairs before any of them saw me or I was going to have to help with my little sister with something random

I had got downstairs and finally being able to check my phone seeing text from the g u r l 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️ group chat

                               g u r l 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️
Yo can one of you pick me up?
I don't feel like taking the bus😒
                            I was about to leave anyways.
I'll just come get you🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
Pick me up too
I'm by angel anyway


I heart the message before turning off my phone..

I walk into my living room and grab my tote off the shelf and putting everything into my tote even grabbing a few snack, water, and juice to put in there.

As I got to my kitchen carrying my bag I grab my car keys and walk down the stairs to leave my house. When I walk out the door a reach in my bag to grab my house keys to lock the door

I put in my pink key and it doesn't work until I realize I put in the wrong key. I had took it out the key and put in the purple on to lock the top of the door.

When I walk pull out the gate of my house and make my way to my black suburban.

I opened the car door setting my bag in the back so I don't need to move it once the girls got in the car.I turn on the car waiting for it to warm up It didn't take too long before I was able to start driving.

As I started to pull out the driveway I see a car speed by I was honestly just thinking to myself what the fuck is wrong with people if I didn't wait I would have definitely got hit. I sighed before I started to pull out the driveway and make my way to angel's house.

Thinking to myself how could this day get any better...

Chapter 1 done:
841 words

Dead trying to do this but people are boring 😒^

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Dead trying to do this but people are boring 😒^


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