The Curse , the death, the pain

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The Leap was moving on after Mysor return it was now decided to head fathered north away from Mysor homeland now he awake Chuluun felt the wind blew into her face she saw her father didn't look at her she then look behind and saw one of the elders moving slow she went down to help him but he just hissed at her and started moving with the group she saw Gran Gran next to her only she and Mai Lien understood her and her pain she now a outcast or her fathers words a curse for she brought them this on them now

Chuluun heard the Roar Mysor must have saw they left their old home now he might be tracking them or her

Mai Lien spoke urgently:" come we mustn't stall

Chuluun nodded her head she followed her foster mother Chuluun saw her foster Sister narrow her eyes on her then left Chuluun heart hurt she lost her littermate and her friends

Mai Lien spoke:" Chuluun why are you so quiet now

Chuluun sighed and said:" everyone scared of me of who I am a curse to them all

Mai Lien sighed then said:" how about you and Mi Lee go fetch some food on the way it would help us dearly

Chuluun spoke:" Mi Lee hates me and same with everyone else all because I'm a stupid cub *kicks snow*

Mai Lien spoke:" you are not stupid Chuluun you just don't know how life is as animals say we follow the circle of life but for Metel we follow are own rules now

Chuluun nodded her head and smiled

Mai Lien smiled back then as Metel went to then he asked:" What are you two doing we need to catch up

Mai Lien asked:" Metel can we grab some prey it be quick

Metel narrow his eyes then nod his head yelled back:" halt everyone Mi Lee and Chuluun will be out hunting prey once we get are bellies full we leave again

Chuluun watch her father glance at her then left

Mi Lee went to Chuluun then said:" lets go

Chuluun followed her sister unkowning they are being watched on a bank

*few hours go by*

Chuluun watch Mi Lee missed the pika she said:" almost had it Mi

Mi Lee rolled her eyes and said:" yup maybe because of the curse you have

Chuluun growled:" Im not a curse

Mi Lee hissed back:" and your not my blood sister

Chuluun could't help but feel hurt by those words she looked away

Mi Lee blinked and said:" Just neverminded

Chuluun looked away from Mi Lee and said:" I wanted to be with a family

Mi Lee blinked she saw Chuluun face was fill with sorry she opened her mouth only to hear a fimmilar growl she turned around and screamed as Mysor lounge at her until chuluun pushed her away in time

Chuluun yell to Mi Lee:" run now

Mi Lee and Chuluun ran as Mysor was running behind them

Chuluun notice a cliff ahead she and Mi Lee stop Mysor slammed his paw down eyeibg each one

chuluun saw his one good eye lock on with her he then roared he stood up on his hind legs

Chuluun open her mouth and snarled at him she saw Mysor chuckled at her he thats when in a blur Mai Lien jump on Mysor side with Metel on Mysor Back biting and clawing him

Mai Lien looks at Chuluun and Mi Lee she yelled run now

Chuluun and Mi Lee ran chuluun looked back seeing Mysor grab Metel and pulled him off then grab Mai Lien and tossed her to the cliff side

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